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Anna's POV

  Claire is coming today to spend my birthday weekend with me.  I'm so excited.  She says we are going out tomorrow night but I have no idea where?  An all girl bar?  I want to have fun and not be harassed all night long.  Suga is snuggled up to me on my couch.  "I'm so glad I have you." I say as I rub his soft ears. I lay down and cuddle up closer to him.  There hasn't been anymore strange noises from the woods.  It's been pretty relaxing.

  "Wake up birthday girl!". Claire shouts as she walks in.  Suga growls but then calms down.  "I must have fallen asleep.  Suga won't hurt you.  He's just my protector.". I tell Claire while kissing his nose.  "Well get up and get dressed.  I want some coffee." Claire said while turning red.  " I have a coffee maker here ya know.  You just want to see V.  I'm on to you slut." I said while wiggling my eyebrows.  She throws a pillow at my face.  I throw one right back at her as I head to my bedroom.  I put on a black long sleeve top with jean shorts and tuck the front of my shirt in letting the rest hang.  I put on some vans and kiss the mirror in front of me.  Suga just stared at me.  Claire has on a super short jean skirt and a sleeveless black top.  She looks pretty in anything.  Done, let's head out.  If Jimin is there I'm leaving though." I say as I grab my keys.  "Calm down." She says as she wraps her arm around mine. We jump into the Jeep and Suga follows.  He's never been in my car but I'm cool with it.  Claire doesn't seem scared by him anymore. 

  We pull up to the coffee shop and it's empty.  I glare at Claire and she is already checking out her face and hair in the mirror.  "Omg you look fine. Come on." I say while tugging on her arm.  Suga jumps out and walks with us.  I open the door but look back and tell Suga to stay.  Claire and I walk in and Suga just sits in front of the door watching us.  V immediately looks up shocked to see us.  "I never thought I'd see you again, let me get you girls some coffee." He says.  Claire walks up to the counter and sits down in front of V.  I followed her to the seat next to her.  "Here you go." He says winking at Claire and handing us the drinks.  "So what's fun to do around here?" Claire says to V.  "It's Anna's 21st birthday.". "I don't want to be around men." I said.  V is pouring himself a drink and looks dazed.  "Wait." He says.  "Are you both lesbians?" He asks in a shy voice.  "No no no!" Claire said.  "Men just bother her a lot and it gets to be dangerous unfortunately." Claire said while looking deep into V's eyes.  He gulps loudly.  "Ummm, why do you ladies smell so good?" He asks.  He accidentally drops a napkin that drifts past Claire falling down to the floor. 

  Claire gets up and slowly bends over to pick it up for him.  She is giving him a crazy view of her ass.  This isn't like her.  What is she doing? She turns back around and walks up to V and tucks the napkin into his shirt pocket.  She then brings her face to his ear and whispers "I'm a succubus and I know you are a vampire.". It was low but I heard it.  My eyes got really big and I slammed my hands on the counter.  "What the hell are you doing Claire!" I shout.  They both look at me.    V looks shocked and then says "She is right.  You both haven't had the calling yet?" Claire replies "No but Anna is close.  I'm not too far away either." I can't believe this is happening. 

    V grabs a piece of her hair and rubs it between his fingers and brings it to his lips.  "I know of a place you can go.  It's pretty safe from humans.  The vamps that go don't cause trouble.  You guys interested?" V said as he placed a light kiss on the hair in his hand then lets it slowly fall from his grasp.  Claire is bright red.  "I'll give you my number so we can make a plan." Claire said as she writes her number down.  She then hops off of her stool and walks to V.  She places her number in his hand and kisses his cheek.  "I'll look forward to hearing from you.". She said to V.  He gives her a sexy smirk and says goodbye.  We head out with our coffees.

  "Holy shit Claire what came over you?" I said to her as we jump into the Jeep with Suga following.  I crank up the Jeep and head back home.  "I don't know.  He makes me crazy.  I've never done something like this before!"  She said to me looking out of window.  "How did you know he was a vampire?" I said to her.  "After I went back home I thought about our encounter and it was the only thing that made sense. He didn't lose his mind when he was around us.  I didn't know I was going to do all of that back at the shop.  It's like something took over me!" She said.  "Yeah the slut inside of you!" I said with a laugh. I open the door to my house and we all plop down on my couch.  Suga wants to sleep with his head in my lap so I let him while gently stroking his ears.  "So I have some questions for you." I said to her.  "Hit me." She answers back.  "So tell me more about the calling. I basically don't know anything." I say.  "Well.  It hits you in waves.  First you start feeling strange and then these massive waves of lust hit you.  Like it's so bad you will hump anything around.  Apparently when the waves start you destined partner hears your call and comes to you.  You get it on...like a ton.  Basically the only thing that will calm it down is him finishing inside you.  If you for some reason do this with someone else it only makes everything worse and pisses off you partner." Claire said with a pillow in front of her face.  She is super red faced. 

  "So I will basically loose my virginity to a stranger that I'll literally meet right before he has sex with me? What if my mate is a terrible person and I hate him?" I ask.  "It's very rare that it would be someone you've already met, I've heard of our kind having mates they dislike and they either learn to like them or live in pain without them.  Sometimes the mate dies and you can try and bond with someone else but it doesn't always work." She replies.  "That's one reason why I want us to have some fun on your birthday.  If V knows a vampire place you could mess around with a guy or two because you actually want to...not because you are being forced.  I'm not saying sleep with someone but it might be nice to experience something before you meet your forever guy. Ya know what I mean?  V is hot and I plan on playing with him a little.  We don't get to experience this stuff like normal girls do.  Let's have some fun." Claire said.  "I get what you are saying." I say as my face starts to turn red too.  Suga hops up and barks in my face then goes to sleep in another room.  "What's wolf's problem." Claire asks.  "No idea" I say.

Claire's phone rings.  "Omg it's V!!!! I'm going to walk into your room to talk to him ok?" She asks.  "Go ahead slut" I reply back.  She is on the phone for a while and I can hear her giggling her head off. It's pretty cute.  I can't help but think about my future partner. What if I hate his guts or he hates me? This is so jacked up.  I'd rather just live here alone with Suga. Claire opens my door and comes jumping out. Suga follows her out too and lays at my feet.

  "Soooo...V said there is vamp bar not to far from here that we can go to with him tomorrow night.  If you hate it we can just leave.  He said he knows basically everyone there and it should be pretty safe. What do you think?" She asks. "Why not." I said.  " He said to dress sexy. Good thing I've brought some stuff for you!" She says laughing.  I just roll my eyes.

Jimin's POV

  I look down at my phone and see that it's V calling.  "What's up bro" I said.  "You aren't going to believe this shit Jimin!  Those two girls...you know the sexy smell good sisters?  They are succubuses!  I'm taking them to the bar tomorrow night for Anna's 21st birthday.  I just wanted to give you a heads up. They will be safe with me. Well Claire not so much, if you know what I mean." V said. "Wow that is unexpected but good to know.  It kind of explains a lot.  I think Victor is still after her.  He wouldn't dare try anything at the bar.  I'm still camped out here in the woods.  One slave seeker is done but Jungkook and I are still looking for the other one." I said.  "Okay.  Good luck.  I'll let you know how tomorrow night goes" V said and then hung up. 

  I'm watching the two girls jump around in the living room.  They seem so cute.  Succubuses huh.  Crazy.  I wonder if Anna will dance with a bunch of guys tomorrow night?    Wait... what do I care. "Pull it together Jimin."  I tell myself.  I can't help but laugh and smile along with the two females as they dance around Anna's kitchen cooking dinner.  There is that damn mutt again looking straight at me.  I flip him off and he turns back to look at Anna.  Damn mutt.

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