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Anna's POV

"Get your butt in the car girl!" Claire yelled at me. I had no idea where we were going. Had my mom really thought this far ahead? I'm rich now?
"Are you listening to me?" Claire was trying to snap me out of my daze. I looked back at the only home I've ever known and blew it a kiss goodbye. I had already told Mr. and Mrs. Clemson goodbye. They thought it would be fun if it was just Claire and me driving to my new house. I had to admit I was a little excited to get this new part of my life started. Claire filled the gas tank up earlier and bought snacks for the trip. We didn't want to come in contact with anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. "I'm coming bitch... slow it down. I guess you are ready to get rid of me huh?". I yelled right back to her. I hopped in and closed my door. "You have one more surprise left and you are going to flip your shit." Claire giggled as she told me. "You will have to wait for my parents to come in a day or two. This should only take about 3 hours for us to get to the house. You ready?" Claire said as she buckled herself in and turned the keys. CL's Hello Bitches blasted... it's kind of our theme song. Claire took off down the road as we sang at the top of our lungs.

Back to Jimin

Jimin's POV

I walked into my home and was greeted by my friend Jungkook. He lives here part of the time. We are work partners and it just makes things simpler. I shake his hand and walk over to my dining room table that is now covered in papers. "Anything worth a damn happen while I was out? No more deaths?" I said and Jungkook just shook his head no. I looked through the papers trying to see if any new cases came up but it was just the same ones from before. "I'll go to the coffee shop tomorrow or the next day to see if anyone else has pick any info up". I said as I made my way into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to grab a blood bag because I was ravenously hungry. I quickly sucked it down and felt more at ease. "You need to order more coffee beans. Humans keep coming to the coffee shop while on their way to see the sights". He said to Jimin with a smirk. Originally the population of this area was strictly vampire with a few wolves here and there. More and more people are flocking in for glamping trips. My coffee shop was formed for a place to exchange information. We would very rarely actually serve coffee to humans. "Times are changing I guess. It's a shame." Jimin said as he walks up the massive staircase to the second floor.

I opened my bedroom door and I've never been so happy to see my room. I fell onto the bed and just closed my eyes for a second. Vampires don't really need to sleep but we still can, just like with eating food. I actually really enjoy eating, it just doesn't satisfy my hunger. After a few minutes I get up and walk to my bathroom door. "I'm going to take a long hot bath and watch some TV." I say to myself. I need something funny to take my mind off of everything. I click the flat screen on that sits over the tub and turn the water on to as hot as it will go. I'm cold all the time so the heat feels amazing. The room starts to steam up slowly. I put my jacket back on it's hanger in the closet. My shirt is off in two seconds and I sit down to pull off my boots. I start to take off my pants when I noticed a small rip in the thighs. "Damn it these God like thighs, you've killed another pair of pants!" Jimin laughs to himself. Everything is off now and he slowly slides into the boiling lava hot water. "Hummm" he hums to himself while enjoying the warmth. He puts a stand-up comedy show on and instantly starts laughing. "Life doesn't get any better than this. Well if I had a female it would I guess." Jimin said under his breath.

Back to Anna

Anna's POV

We drive down this ever winding road. I see signs for the Blue Ridge Mountains everywhere. "Is this where we are headed?" I say to Claire while I'm busy looking at the beautiful scenery. "You'll see. We are almost there." Claire laughed. As she keeps driving I see all signs of life disappear. No houses or stores. It's starting to get dark too. We keep going and I noticed a small gas station and a tiny coffee shop named Black Cup of Magic. Cool name I thought to myself.
Suddenly Claire's GPS tells her to take the next turn. She pulls down the dark gravel road until we are stopped by a giant iron gate. Claire somehow has a code she quickly punches in. As soon as the gates open we are greeted with tons of street lighting that automatically comes on. The gate closed behind us. We keep going down the road slowly. A few deer scamper off at the sight of the car. I gasp at the cuteness of them. This is going to be amazing. I suddenly feel overwhelmed with happiness as the cabin comes into view. It's not too big or too small, it looks modern and beautiful. " I'm a little jealous of you right now" Claire said. We both hopped out quickly and run inside. Claire knew the code to enter the cabin as well. I flicked on the lights to the modern looking all wood kitchen and a beautiful dining area. I walked past it to a sunken in living room with a big comfy sectional couch in dark blue. The room has floor to ceiling windows. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Claire screamed with excitement as she ran in jumping around. She found another light switch and turned it on. It turned on the lights to the outdoor pool and spa!!! I have a pool and spa? We both strip down to our underwear and run outside. We hold hands as we jump in the pool like the crazy girls we are. "This feels unreal. My Mom really did love me. Even if it was for a short time...this is the first time I've felt it.". I said to Claire and wiped a tear away. "Girl this shit is like on another level. You will be fine here all alone". Claire said as she splashes me in the face. Suddenly we hear a low growl and it makes Claire jump about 10 feet out of the pool and dart back inside. I'm just laughing my head off. "Of course there are animals here dumb dumb we are in BFE." I said as I continue laughing. I slowly climb out and turn to where the noise came from and I'm greeted by two green eyes glowing in the dark. I can barely see the white face of a...wolf? I'm not afraid at all and wave to it like an idiot. "Keep me safe wolf I won't hurt you. Maybe I'll even leave scraps out for you.". It slowly retreats back into the woods. I make my way back into the house.

I find Claire is taking a shower in my big ass bathroom. There is only one bedroom but it's fantastic. It also has floor to ceiling windows. Claire comes out wrapped in a towel and looks alarmed. " Dude you have to buy curtains, these windows are no joke.". Claire says deadly serious. I laugh and reply " umm no one is out here except for some animals and I'm not too worried about them seeing me naked." She didn't think it was funny at all. I walked to the bathroom and showered myself off. This place is perfect in every way.

We both wake up all tangled together on the big bed. It's morning and the sun is shining brightly through the giant windows. You can hear all the birds singing, it's a beautiful sound to wake up to. I got up to wash my face and brush my crazy hair. Claire looks up at me as I reenter the bedroom and plop down next to her. "Anna what in the hell happened to the window?"Claire said all panicked. I look and see a bunch of muddy paw prints pressed against the window. It looks like a giant dog kept standing on it's back legs while leaning on the window. "I don't know? Maybe the wolf from last night was curious? This place has never been occupied so it was probably just checking us out. Don't freak out." I said to Claire while brushing the hair off of my shoulders and placing it in a messy bun. Claire looked up at me with wide eyes. "It's just a tad bit horror movieish". Claire said as she made her way to the bathroom. I went outside to wash the windows off. Later on Claire told me that her parents had scheduled grocery delivery service weekly and the owner promised it would always be a woman making the deliveries. "Your gate and door code is 6969.... ha ha ha." Claire could barely get that out. "Ok tramp." I said with a pissed off look. "Oh calm down. My parents will be here in a few hours with your surprise. Let's go get some coffee from that little shop down the road." Claire said way too perky for so early in the morning. "Sounds good there sunshine, tone that shit down will you. Let's get dressed and go so I can become human again...or I guess I'm not human?" I say with a chuckle. She put on a white tank top and some bright blue shorts with some flip flops. I grab a black oversized shirt that sits off the shoulder and some high waisted dark grey shorts. I slip on my boots and we head out to her car.

We pull up to the Black Cup of Magic coffee shop and see no one's there. Strange... I thought to myself. "Well this is a very secluded area. Let's see if the door is unlocked." I said to Claire as I reach for the door. I open it to find an extremely handsome man with dark blonde hair behind the counter, he was wearing a big comfy white sweater. He just looks up at me and sniffs the air? "Oh hello. We just want some black coffee." I say to the guy in an awkward unsure tone. He perks up quickly and says "of course beauties come in, come in. Black coffee?". I look at him for a second and I'm amazed at how deep his voice is. "Yes please, I'm Anna by the way and this is Claire. I just moved in down the road." I say very quickly like a total spaz. Omg I just told a random guy my name and where I live when I'm supposed to be hiding!!!! Even Claire gave me a WTF look and stomped on my foot. The strange thing was that this guy didn't really seem affected by us. This was the first time in years a guy treated me normally. "Since you are new here the first cup is free. Welcome to the neighborhood.". He said giving us a big boxy cute smile. " By the way I'm V. Please drop by anytime, especially you Claire." He said as he handed us the coffees and winked at Claire. He then turned his back to us to answer a call.
We quickly left and got in the car to head back to my house. " Was that strange? Normally guys can't take being around both of us? Is he human? He is so hot! Is this what it's like flirting with a normal guy?" Claire asks. "Who the hell knows anymore. He could be an alien for all I care. I'm just glad he didn't try anything on us!" I said to her with a sense of relief.

We pull up to the gate and punch in the code. As we make our way down the long road to my house I see a badass shiny black Jeep!! "Who is here?" I ask just as I see Claire's parents pop out from behind it! "Surprise!!!! This is yours Anna." Mrs. Clemson screams while jumping in the air. "OMG OMG OMG!!" I yelled. I have always wanted a Jeep.

The Only One ~ Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now