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Third person pov

Somei Private Academy is the best of the best. It's by far one of the top ten Middle Schools in the nation of Japan, and though the price to attend is rather steep, it's well worth it. It's a great way to jump start your child's education. The school hired only the best teachers for its staff, and the food the cafeteria provided was always fresh to ensure the student's remained in peak health. 

They aimed to push students in their education and challenge them in an attempt to help them grow mentally and physically. For those attending who wished to be heroes, there were certain gym classes they could be signed up for that would help keep them in tip-top shape for high school. They focused primarily on stamina, thought some touched base on some tips and tricks that generally worked for those with bodies enhanced by a quirk or mutation.

 Like his brother before him, Tenya Iida was in attendance at Somei Academy in hopes of being prepared by the time he was old enough to take the prestigious UA high's entrance exam. There was no question that it would be tough, as it was the top hero school in Japan, and possibly even the world. The hero course accepted a total of forty students: twenty for 1-A, and twenty for 1-B. Tenya would not only have to be at the apex of physical health, but he'd need to be ready for the written portion the exam.

Tenya had always dreamed of becoming a hero. He couldn't remember a time when he hadn't looked up to his brother and his fellow pros who fought against villains in an attempt to keep Japan as safe and danger-free as possible. His brother was someone who defended civilians and helped to track down evil-doers! He was honorable, and Tenya admired that. Tensei was someone he strove to be like.

While Somei was, without a shadow of a doubt, a great school, it was still no stranger to unsavory types. Of course Tenya had expected this. There wasn't a place in the world you could go where everyone was nice. There'd always be someone trying to stomp down others around them. The only issue was that here, the school refused to believe that bullying existed amongst the student body. They claimed proudly that they were an incident-free zone fifty years in a row, and they were hesitant to let that go.

A lot of the top schools were like this. While the ones at the top were alright with admitting they had flaws and did damage control as issues came along, Somei was an academy constantly fighting for its place in the top ten. It had to work hard to stay up there with the elites. While it was amazing, it was almost a little corrupt in that way. 

Well into his second year, Tenya found himself getting used to bullying. Were he ever attacked physically, he wouldn't hesitate to defend himself, as anyone might. He ignored any verbal quips, however. He wasn't particularly here to make friends, so it didn't bother him much. While he wouldn't mind having maybe... someone on his side, the fact that he didn't hadn't really kept him up at night or anything of that sort. He was the sticks and stones could break your bones type. Words didn't hurt him much. Not when they were coming from someone he didn't even like.

His first year was the worst, he thought. He'd learned to let their words roll off his back, because if they weren't going to value his opinion, he certainly wasn't going to value there's. It did hurt a little when he earned the title 'robot' for not only his quirk, but for the odd arm motions he couldn't help but do when talking. It wasn't like he could help himself, and he knew they were odd. They were just... a part of who he was, and as much as he tried to change that, he couldn't. Sometimes his excitement caused him to make odd arm motions, that's all!

The bullying wasn't as bad as it could be. Tenya was a big guy, so they weren't too keen on attacking him outright. However, they had figured out that he wouldn't do much in retaliation if all they did was use words. He'd seldom ever reply. It was his facial expressions that gave away he was listening, and that jeered them on. The twitch of his eye, or the smallest flinch sent them spiraling into a fresh spiel of taunts. It was exhausting.

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