Chapter 8

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Third person pov

Kit didn't go home the next day, or the day after that. Tenya certainly wasn't about to mention it. The longer Kit stayed, the better. The blue-haired teen had been wanting to bring up the idea of Kit staying here indefinitely. The prospect of it was nearly foreboding, even to the young Iida, but not in a way that was bad. It was near exhilarating to think about. Just having Kit here these past few days and being able to be near him made him giddy with delight.

A few things had taken place that had left Tenya in somewhat of a reeling state, during which he struggled to gather himself and function as a normal human being. The first came in the form of Kit showering. Not a big deal; he'd showered at Tenya's house before. The thing was that Kit had forgotten to bring a change of clothes, and thus walked into Tenya's room with a towel wrapped around his waist without shame. This shouldn't have been a big deal, of course. People went to hot springs plenty, wrapped in towels and such! It was normal!

The next was Kit changing in front of him. Locker rooms existed, of course, but it was customary to face the lockers as you did so and not stare. Kit walked into the room and began to strip without shame. Tenya couldn't even look away, eyes round and wide, and mouth agape as Kit stretched in nothing but briefs. God, he was wearing briefs. Tenya wore briefs as well, so it shouldn't have been that big of a deal, but... it was. All he could do was stare at Kit's body, nothing much left to the imagination. 

The next had almost been his undoing, if he was being completely honest with himself. This one didn't involve nudity. Kit wore a normal shirt and a normal pair of shorts, though they were a little shorter than what he'd seen a lot of men wear, and... knee socks. Tenya certainly didn't own knee socks, and definitely none that colorful. When asked, Kit had said something about his mother buying them for him. Tenya could only stare in slight awe at the way they hugged the tan teen's legs, trying to comprehend how this was possible. Kit? In bunny pattern socks? God had to be real.

"You're going to put on weight if you keep this up." Tenya scolded as Kit shoveled more ice cream into his mouth. Kit's favorite things to eat were either extremely sweet, extremely spicy, or extremely sour. It was as though he couldn't bring himself to fully enjoy anything mild. Tenya had realized this when he witnessed the boy blatantly dousing his rice in ghost-pepper hot sauce, letting it mingle with his curry without batting an eye. Tenya had never felt so intimidated in his life.

"Oh please, you'll love me anyway." Kit gave a sly grin, pointedly jamming another spoonful into his mouth. Tenya felt himself flush, eyes flitting away as his embarrassment swelled. Kit was totally and completely right. Oh my god, he was right. What did Tenya do with this information? Perhaps nothing. Nothing was different. It didn't even matter. He already knew he was in love. He just... kept realizing he was in love, over and over again. It was odd and he didn't know what to do about it.

Kit watched Tenya with no small amount of amusement, watching his expression shift unabashedly. The poor guy had no idea just how readable his face was at the moment. He was so comfortable around Kit that he didn't feel the need to keep his emotions and expressions in check. Kit wasn't about to complain. He was living for it. Not like he had much else to enjoy other than the taller teen. His life sort of sucked without Tenya.

Speaking of his life sucking, he'd turned off his phone. The only other person he texted was Tenya anyway, and his mother had been calling non-stop. She was probably freaking out, thinking he'd crawled off somewhere and succumb to his injuries. She always did freak out if she thought there was a possibility of his body being somewhere, but only because of the police and her sister. Kit was positive his aunt would raise hell if anything happened to him, and he was glad.

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