Chapter 1

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Third person pov

Kit and Tenya became fast friends after that. Akinori had been the cause of the fire, which resulted in his immediate expulsion. The school was no longer incident free, after all. Despite his protests and the protests of his family, he was kicked out without so much as a recommendation to help him in getting into another middle school. Tenya felt a little bad about that, but he'd gained a new friend out of it. A real friend. He couldn't complain.

It somehow wasn't surprising that Kit didn't have friends of his own. He was brash, blunt, and didn't seem to like people in general. Tenya himself had been quite surprised when the brunette slammed his lunch tray down across from him, glaring at the people who'd been taunting Iida about the squareness of his face and his manner of speaking. Though telling someone to "fuck off" wasn't something Iida would usually commend, he was flattered.

Kit was vulgar, but not petty. He belonged to family lodged deep in the modeling industry. He himself had been forced into a few magazine shoots and such of the like, though he very clearly wasn't happy about such. He rolled his eyes and scoffed every time he talked about it. And t though he didn't particularly want to be here at Somei, that didn't mean he wasn't doing his work as he was meant to. Tenya respected that. Kit was making the best out of a less than ideal situation.

Tenya also very quickly learned that Kit was naturally smart. No genius, sure, but he knew what he was doing. He also didn't stand for bullies. Tenya had a sneaking suspicion the brunette had been bullied in the past for his lack of quirk and had been forced to stand up for himself when nobody else would. The blue-haired male admired that, even if Kit's way of dealing with the more unsavory of their peers wasn't the best.

He got into a lot of fights. They mostly happened outside of school, hence the lack of expulsion. However, this meant that Kit was constantly feisty and ready to rumble. Tenya discovered pretty fast that he had a knack for talking to shorter boy down from his heights of rage. He didn't mind does such. Preventing Kit from duking it out with some snide rich boy in the bathroom after school was a plus. It made Tenya feel like he was helping in a way. Like he and Kit went better together and contributed to the relationship in their own ways.         

Kit earned a new title not long after becoming Tenya's friend. Everyone started calling him "Iida's guard dog." It was a little demeaning, but also accurate. Ever since befriending Kit, the bullying had come to a complete and total halt. People shied away from Kit. Why wouldn't they? While he was quirkless, he was also terrifying in several ways. He didn't hesitate to jump into a full on fight, and he'd play dirty if it meant he won. He pulled no punches. It was another thing that Tenya found oddly admirable. 

Tenya liked Kit, despite his rough edges and unsavory language. He was someone who knew what he was doing, and why he was doing it. All his actions were thought out, as were his words. Nothing he said was ever without meaning. He was analytical in his own way. Tenya had to respect that as well. Besides, the way Kit thought was... intriguing. Tenya would be interested to know his whole thinking process in general.  

Kit and Tenya became what some might call best friends after some time. They walked with each other from class to class, chatted in their free time, compared their answers on their homework, confided in one another things they told no one else, and ate lunch together. They even shared food at times, trading things they didn't like out for things they did. It was... well, normal. So natural Tenya felt as though he'd been doing it his whole life. It was a nice feeling, to have a friend. He'd nearly forgotten the sensation. 

The year went on, and summer crept closer. Tenya knew then that it was time. It was time for Kit to meet his family. It was made abundantly clear by the red-eyed boy that he was never letting Tenya come over to his house. It wasn't because he didn't like Tenya or want to hang out with him. Kit disliked his family a great deal. Tenya wouldn't go so far as to say he hated them, but he certainly never had anything kind to say about them. From what he'd heard, Tenya wasn't sure he'd be able to find anything kind to say either.

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