Chapter 23

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Third person pov

They kept gathering information on the hero commission. Tensei was a big help, and he and Dabi became fast friends when they both realized they had a mutual dislike for Endeavor despite the flame-hero being, in general, widely accepted by the public. He had a legal team the size of Texas and enough money to make most issues disappear. But the Suzuko company was gaining more traction issue by issue. They were hitting the topics people wanted and needed to hear about hard. They'd recently hired a team that would be translating each release into English to be distributed further in America as well, and they'd opened a secondary website in the language as well.

They were booming. People didn't realize just how hard they were gearing up. The Chad Project was under tight wraps. They'd told none of their editing team or other various employees about its existence. They couldn't risk a leak this early in the game. They were careful with who they interviewed, choosing only the people who wanted Endeavor to fall the most. The ones who wouldn't risk ruining it by slipping up. They talked to mothers and to fathers who'd lost their kids. To families left misplaced without a place to go, and to mourning siblings just like Hawks who's watched their brothers and sisters die because of Endeavor's brash quirk misuse.

He'd impacted a lot more than any of them had realized. Dabi had been stunned by the overflow Izuku's anonymous Reddit Post had gathered. Some people just knew people who'd been effected, but a lot who'd responded to the chain had been victims themselves. And if not, plenty of people were willing to link articles they'd seen or find ones on incidents that had happened near them. It had taken Dabi a moment to process the mass amount of feedback, but eventually he was scrolling through with diligent eyes and a grim expression, picking out only certain people or Izuku to reach out to.

They had just finished up a series of interviews that didn't relate to their ever-growing project. This week they were focusing on talking to parents who were raising or had raised kids with difficult, dangerous, and peculiar quirks. They were getting tips, stories, methods of coping, and had even gotten a few organizations that sought to help the parents of powerfully-quirked children to partner up with them and offer forth several resources and how to access them for them to put in this week's issue. They were hoping it would benefit families that were struggling to wrangle their out of control children, and hopefully make household environments safer all across Japan.

They'd even brought Mitsuki and Masaru in to be interviewed, which had almost caused Tenya to short-circuit. He hadn't been properly introduced to either of them. Last Mitsuki had seen Tenya was outside the police station when the tall boy was making out with her nephew, which she luckily seemed to find extremely amusing rather than volatile. She reminded him a lot of Kit, with a brash attitude, sharp tongue, and an arsenal of foul language that would make most people cringe. The Iida teen was too acclimated to it to really bat an eye.

Mitsuki decidedly adored Tenya Iida and his brother, Tensei. She had given them one look and decided to say fuck all and offer forth her fashion services. She and Masaru weren't as immersed in the fashion industry as they used to be, but they were willing to jump feet first back in to help out with what they could. Mitsuki was a prior model and by extension, knew a lot about clothing. Masaru was a photographer with a sharp eye who knew a lot about putting together sets for photo shoots, and was more than willing to help out. Especially since Kit was buying all the groceries before anyone could stop him and was trying to weasel his way into paying the bills, too.

"I can help out some, too." Dabi had also grumbled just hours before, watching from a shadowy corner of their office space as people filtered in and out for interviews. He flexed his fingers, blue flames flitting across the back of his hand. He'd grown up with a forceful quirk, that's for sure. It was clear to see where that had got him. "As long as it's anonymous. I grew up with a pretty powerful quirk, obviously. I have a few things I wish were done... differently." 

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