Part 2

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Jade's vision was blurry as she opened her eyes, and a pounding pain was coursing through the back of her head. She sat up and looked around, she was in a tent of some sort. She tried to stand up and walk but a rope yanked her ankle back.

"You've gotta be kidding." She said, almost hysterically. She sat back down and pulled a knife out of her back pocket. "Luckily dad gave this to me for the moss." She said while cutting the rope.

It took a minute but she was finally able to cut the rope. She snuck to the door, the pain in her head forgotten. No one was around, but she could see smoke on the other side of the camp. Jade slithered out of the tent and started walking to the woods.

"The brat has escaped!" She heard someone with a deep voice yell.

Jade didn't wait around to see who it was, she took off running. The kidnappers in close pursuit, Jade knew they had an advantage on her because they knew the land, but she was faster. As she was running she was taking in the land, wondering if she did know where they took her, but she didn't. For all she knew, she could be running farther from home.

Jade burst into a clearing, "No, no,no." She panted, knowing she could be spotted easily.

She could still hear the crunching of leaves and sticks behind her from the men. She took a deep breath and charged to the woods on the other side of the clearing. These woods were weird, they were dark, like it was night, but it had to be close to noon. The trees and plants themselves were black as night.

Jade was to busy trying to figure out why these woods were so dark that she didn't see a root sticking out of the ground. She tripped, which was very bad. She could already hear the men practically on top of her.

"I'm sorry mom and dad." She whispered as she curled into a ball.

She was sure she was about to be found and killed, when something cold stated moving around her, like a cocoon. She shivered as it passed her back. She gasped as she saw the men standing around her, but they didn't see her. She clamped her mouth shut and layed perfectly still until they left.

The cloak, as Jade would come to call it, disappeared and she clambered up.

"Hello." A voice said.

Jade froze and looked around. A girl, with sapphire blue eyes and raven black hair, came out of the shadows. She couldn't have been older than Jade.

"You're the first one who's been able to get this far, those brutes normally shoot the other." The girl said, with a scowl on her face.

"What is this place." Jade asked, still huffing from the run and adrenaline rush.

"This is the shadow forest but some people call it the forest of night." The girl shrugged.

"Who are you!? What was that cloak!? WHERE AM I!?" Jade rapidly asked, the hysteria finally catching up to her.

"How about you calm down first then I'll answer." The girl said, taking a couple steps towards her.

"CALM DOWN!" Jade yelled, the girl shrank back a bit.

"Ya, calm down. Then I'll be back for you." The girl said as she seemed to disappear.

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