Laundry Room

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Word count: 4,559
Edited: 29/04/23


"Mina, do you have any washing you want me to take down? I'm making a trip to the laundry room," you stood in the threshold of your best friend's room. But she didn't look up from the laptop she was frantically typing away on; most likely trying to make a deadline she was already late for.

"There," she vaguely motioned with her chin to the corner of her room where her laundry pile sat on top of her desk chair.

Deciding not to bother the frantic girl, you quietly made your way over to it and moved the items into the plastic laundry basket with your dirty clothes. On your way out, you left the door open behind you since the apartment would be empty anyway.

With everything in the basket, you went back to your own room to change out of the clothes you wore today, and into a simple pair of cotton shorts with an oversized white t-shirt that ended just below them. Grabbing your phone and purse on the way, you thought it might be a nice gesture to grab Mina a cup of coffee on your way back to help with the all-nighter she was likely to pull tonight.

It was late evening on a weekday so you looked forward to the quiet time you'd get in the basement levels of the dorm block. A chance to indulge in your guilty pleasure of reading stories from Wattpad while waiting for the laundry to be cleaned and dried.

You hummed a song to yourself while sorting the laundry into lights and darks, bending down to load them into the drum along with detergent and colour catchers. But a loud wolf whistle behind you announced someones arrival into the room and you quickly stood up, red faced.

With wide eyes you peaked over your shoulder to see who you'd just embarrassed yourself in front of, but instantly relaxed into a more confident and cocky side of yourself when you found it to be none other than Jeon Jungkook; the boy you'd been toying with relentlessly for months now.

"Looks like I came at just the right time," he smirked, giving you a heated once over before throwing his washing into one machine. Go figure, he didn't even sort it.

You couldn't help but love the slim fitting sweatpants he was wearing with a simple black t-shirt which did wonders to accentuate his firm chest and tapered waist. It was a combination made to make you drool; you were sure of it.

"Looks like I didn't," you retorted breezily as you bent over again and put the washing on. If it had been anyone else in the room with you. you'd have crouched down but seeing the opportunity to tease Jungkook even more made you show off in a vaguely innocent way.

"You say that while you have your ass on display for me, princess," the cocky lilt to his voice drove you mad. If there was anything you loved, it was a man who was confident when it came to his sexuality as well as himself; and with Jungkook, there was no shortage of self-confidence.

"That's just how I do my laundry," you stood back up and shrugged before collecting your things, and walking off to the other end of the room where there were rows of chairs to sit and wait at. "It's not my fault you stare like some horny teenager."

"Horny? Maybe. Teenager? Definitely not," he denied with a small frown on his irrefutably gorgeous features.

You looked up at him from your phone as he took the seat just a few feet in front of you, with another shrug you returned your attention to the Wattpad book you were reading. There was a few moments of silence where all you could feel was Jungkook's eyes on your naked legs.

"You know, I know what youre doing, right?" He spoke suddenly and you lowered your phone to tilt your head. "And I like it," he smirked.

"Oh? Do enlighten me, what am I doing?" You fluttered your lashes innocently and Jungkook leaned forward, his elbows resting lazily on his knees while he staked you with a fiery look despite his dark irises.

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