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The lights were out. Streets were quiet and your apartment was sound. All the makings for a perfect and easy path to dreamland.

Except you were still up, in the dark, unable to sleep.

Had you locked the door? Did you need to check? Maybe you left the tap running, you were sure you could hear the rhythmic dripping of water on ceramic.

Sighing and ready to give in to your need to double— even triple— check the sources of just a few of you worries, you turned away from the empty spot beside you to flip on the lamp on the nightstand.
And, when you turned back to face the center of your queen sized bed, you were met with the sight of a young man smiling at me like he was supposed to be there.

"Hey," he greeted, friendly and casual, and you screamed; kicking and flailing away from him until you rolled directly off of the edge of the bed and landed with a thud on on your ass.

"What the hell?" You asked yourself, the lack of sleep must have been getting to you now, you figured, until the suited character peered over the edge of the mattress.

"Are you okay? That looked like quite the fall," the brunette tilted his head with worry and you squinted your eyes disbelievingly.

Suddenly a hysterical laugh bubbled up out of your throat and you rubbed your eyes with your fists until you saw stars.

"Brain, you're a funny one. I'll give you that," you told the organ inside your head before roughly shaking it and blinking away the galaxies in front of my vision.

Brown eyes. Big brown eyes were the first thing you saw, bright and sparkling in the dim yellow light. In the next millisecond the boy was knocked back onto his ass and you moved up onto your knees to survey the situation.

"Did you just punch me?" He asked and you stared for a long moment.

"Yes? I think? Didn't you feel it?" You creased my brow deeply in confusion and he began to laugh heartily.

"That's a first. Wow! But no, Gods don't feel pain," he explained while you stood to your feet.

"A God? Right," you drawled with an untrusting chuckle. "I don't know what drugs you're on dude but you can take them and yourself out of my apartment right now before I call the police."

"Drugs? No. Let me introduce myself," he reached a hand out and you eyed it cautiously.
"Oh—kay," he said awkwardly while withdrawing the limb that you refused to shake. "I'm Hypnos, God of sleep."

"Hah! Okay dude, come on. Time to go," you told him while walking out of your room and towards the front door. To your surprise he followed without debate.

"I'm telling you I'm a Greek God but if you need me to prove it then fine," he shrugged as he came to stand beside you next to the locked and bolted door.


The door was still locked.

Putting it down to this crazy man just locking up after somehow silently entering your home you unbolted the deadbolt and then turned the key in the lock.

"It was a pleasure, now leave," you ushered him out and he sidled past you to stand out in the hall.

"See you in a sec," he waved cheerily and then the door made him disappear.

This time you made sure to really try the lock before turning the hall light off and going back to your room.

"Hey again!" The same tall man smiled from his position on your bed and you jumped, bringing a hand to your chest to calm your racing heart.

"How did you— you were just—"

"Good evening Yn, I'm Hypnos the Greek God of sleep. I'm here to help with your insomnia."

"How did you know I couldn't sleep?" You ventured while cautiously sitting at the foot of the bed, ignoring the fact he already knew your name for the fact that clearly this man wasn't human.

"I'm the God of sleep, woman, what don't you get from that?" He exasperated.

"The God part?" You replied with a questioning lilt, "Gods aren't real."

"Well you're looking at one," he replied pridefully and you began to fidget with your fingers in the sleeves of your pyjama top.

"What is it exactly that you do? Like, how are you supposed to help with my insomnia?" You tilted your head to a forty-five degree angle and the supposed God smiled widely to show off straight white teeth and a cute wrinkled nose.

"Do you trust me?" He asked sweetly and with his eyes you were persuaded to nod. "Good because this won't work unless you trust me," he took your hand gently and guided you to your side of the bed; the same place you'd occupied before falling off of it earlier.

"Do you just like give me breathing exercises or something?" You guessed after a small yawn. He chuckled lowly and shook his head.

"Not quite," he moved his hands over your body over the duvet, without actually touching you and somehow my body instantly lost all tenseness. Something I hadn't felt it do for a while. "I'm just relaxing your body, getting it into the right state for sleep, does that feel better?" He brought his eyes to yours and you nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I feel really comfortable and weightless," you noted and he smiled softly as if he was happy his magic was working.

"Good, close your eyes," he persuaded gently and with a small nod you listened to his instructions and allowed your weighted lids to fall closed.

"What happens when you're gone? I'll wake up," you hummed.

"Can I touch you?" He asked sweetly and you nodded.

With baited breaths you waited to feel his touch and then it came in the form of a gentle head massage that made you sink further into the mattress.

"I'll stay all night and make sure you sleep, don't worry," he assured after a few moments of serenity and you made a small noise behind your lips to show him you'd heard him at least. "Just relax, let your mind go somewhere else. I'm here to make sure you're relaxed," he continued in a gentle, deep whisper and with his voice being distorted more and more with every passing second you decided to let go of the last remnants of consciousness.

In the morning you woke up to the light mist of sunshine through the sheer curtains and an empty bed. You stretched out your muscles and sat up, noticing just how much better you felt after your crazy dream last night.

"Huh," you hummed out loud. When you turned to where the man from your dreams had laid you found a lone sprig of lavender tied up neatly with a pastel pink ribbon. "Where did you come from?"

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