Chapter 10

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We arrived at school really early so I decided to kill time with some light chit chat.

"So there's an afterlife?"

Dagas leaned against the rail that surrounded the football field, thinking about the question.

"Uh.. Yes and no.." He huffed, "If you died doing something super heroic you might become a guardian angel like Sam and-."

"What do you mean might?"

"The selection process is way above my pay grade."

"Oh..How'd you die?"

He gripped the railing like he was going to hit me with it.

"Actually, don't answer that." Looks like I touched a nerve.

"So do bad people become demons?"

He blinked, not expecting that, "I don't know that. They've...just been around I guess."

"Sounds kinda lonely actually."

"They'd kill you in a heartbeat."

I fiddled with my back pack again. This whole thing was messing with me.

"Whoa, check that out." Dagas pulled me in, pointing to a cheerleader who was tying her shoes.

"What am I looking at?"

"Wait for it.."

"LOOK OUT!" One of the players' shots went wide, heading straight for her.

That's when another girl materialised behind the first, pulling her out of the way. The football crashed into the space her head had just been.

Dagas smiled, "Congratulations. You just witnessed a guardian angel in action."

I watched as the angel folded her arms, sliding down into the earth. "Didn't anybody see her?"

"Anyone who did will have forgotten her by now."

"Why do I-"

"Because I'm here." He continued gazing across the field. "Simple mind tricks. It's how I convinced the school I'm a student here."

I inhaled, struggling to keep information from spilling out of my brain. I thought back to all the angels I'd seen until now, trying to find a common factor.

I glanced at Dagas's profile: straight nose, sharp jawline, that hair.. and I got it.

"Hey so, if I happen to become a guardian angel like you, will I get an upgrade too?"

He tilted his head to look at me, "What?"

"You know.." I gestured to my face, "All the angels are like, really hot so I was.... Ok what?"

Dagas was biting his lip like he was trying not to laugh. "I don't know how to tell this but.. you'll look the same."

"So no divine upgrade?" It's ok. I'll just lie down here and die.

He shook his head, "No, but I appreciate the compliment." He smirked, walking off as the bell rang.

"Hey I was talking about Sam!"


"Okay, what is the deal with these kids?" Dagas half collapsed onto the lockers.

"It's the middle of the day and they keep asking me on 'dates'." He put the last word in air quotes.

"Well, I've been here two years now and I got nothing."

"Yeah but you're you," I'd like to think that sounded better in his head, "Do you have any idea how old I am?"

My eyes widened, "I didn't really think about that."

He smirked, "Let's just say the witch trials weren't for witches."

I wasn't really listening to him then because coming up behind him was the Big Bad himself.

Dagas noticed my terror sweat, turning around as Jason stepped into his personal space.

"Back for more, Saviour?"

Took us a while to figure out who he was talking to.

Jason popped open a locker.

Yeah, he was talking to me.

"Now we can do this the easy way... Or the fun way." He grinned, knowing that I would just walk into it

Before I could take another step, Dagas held his arm out to block me, "Actually," He moved closer to Jason, "Daniel's not gonna do it the easy way."

"Who are you, his boyfriend?" Ah, yes, the pinnacle of humour.

Dagas laughed, "He wishes."

On second thought, Jason can beat him up I don't care.

"I.. can't really allow you to stuff him in that locker. Even though it would be hilarious.."

Angel of the lord, ladies and gents.

"How about I stuff you instead?" Jason grabbed a fistful of his shirt.

Now, I know for a fact that Dagas is all lean muscle and bad attitude but he wasn't a six foot tall quarterback.

Jason was.

To my surprise, the angel smiled, "I was hoping you'd say that."

He brought his hand up to Jason's face, pressing his temples with thumb and pinky.

Like Castiel and his smiting thingy.

But instead of burning out, Jason's eyes went hazy as he tried to hold onto Dagas.

"What... What is this?" He was clearly panicking now, clawing at his face.

Dagas, calm as ever, yanked him closer and whispered something. I think I heard my name in there.

"Let's go," He turned, pulling me along.

"Wait, what about Jason?"

"It's fine. His sight will come back soon enough."

"You- you blinded him?!" I was very aware of his grip on my arm now.

"Cool, right?" He must have seen my expression because he added, "It's only temporary though."

"What'd you tell him?"

"That's between us." He grinned as he pushed me into a classroom,"You'll see me after school."

He waved cheerfully but his smile was obviously fake; all teeth and no dimple.

Unsure, I waved back.

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