Chapter 18: Pain

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Present day


"An angel losing his grace.." Dagas trailed his fingers over the barrier on the cottage, "Is the closest he comes to hurting someone.

"It's like an explosion. Once it was over, I couldn't set foot in there again." He gazed into the building, his stare as hollow as I felt.

"Solis.. He died here?" I was tearing up. I didn't know the guy but he obviously meant a lot to Dagas.

"This place was different back then, like a desert." he paused, trying to smile, "He made it beautiful.

"I used to be able to feel him," He pressed his palm against the barrier, "It burned like hell but at least I knew.."

He turned away but I could see his eyes were red, "I can't feel anything now.

"All those years ago, you thought I was saving you from running into traffic.." he trailed off, biting his lip, "I was trying to push you in."

I felt like the rug had been pulled from under my feet and rolled up to hit me. "Why didn't.."

"I just couldn't... You didn't deserve it. I owe him that much at least..." He faltered as another tear slid down his cheek.

I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know how to make him feel better.

"You're a lot like him, you know?"

I started, "What?"

"He was an idiot," He closed his eyes, a shaky smile appearing on his face, "The sweetest idiot I've ever known."

Man, I was really trying not to cry here.

"Hey, just don't go falling in love with me okay?" My voice cracked as I joked.

He squinted at me, "I love you in a very different way than.."



"You love me?"

He sighed, "I basically adopted you, remember? Besides," he ran his fingers through his hair, "He loved you."

Now I was the one crying. "You can't say things like that." I rubbed my nose, "It's not fair!"

Dagas was drawing sadistic pleasure from my tears, back to his old self, "You cry like a hagfish."

"Sh-Shut up!" I hit his arm, secretly happy that he was smiling again.

"So... You forgive me?"

"Huh? For what?"

He stared at me, "I lied to you. I tried to kill you. I-"

I waved it away, "Just another day in the corn field."


"Nothing. And, yeah, I forgive you I guess."

My touching moment was interrupted by - you guessed it - the signature growling of hell's puppies.

Dagas swore, pushing me into the broken building. "Don't move. You're safe as long as you're inside."

I looked at the giant gaping holes before remembering that somewhere behind me, an angel had died.

"Dagas, what's going on?" I got as close to him as I could.

"Plan B didn't work, apparently. So Plan C."

"What's Plan C?" I jumped as the shadows darkened and enlarged, enveloping the woods.

"I kill whatever comes through that portal." He touched the barrier, just for a moment, and pulled a blade from.. actually I don't know.

It materialised into his hand, like a dagger shaped from darkness, which it probably was.

I can't tell how high I jumped when the first hound jumped him from the left or how loud I screamed when Dagas turned it inside out with just a look.

"They're made of darkness. I control darkness. Go figure." He smiled at me before turning to face the pack that was currently forming.

He definitely wasn't this strong before. What changed...?

A stray hound jumped out of the stream only to be ripped to shreds by the current.

"I like Plan C." Sam grinned as Dagas tossed her the blade which she (happily) jammed into a hound's eye.

I watched the whole messy fight through my fingers. I almost cried when Sam got scratched a few times but none of the hits landed on Dagas, who clearly had the advantage.

He looked older then, in his element. Slashing and manipulating. Clearly this wasn't his first time.

Sam, however, was moving slower, trying to keep the hound's from getting the jump on them. She was in pain but she kept going.

I couldn't watch anymore. I dropped to my knees with my head in my hands, trying not to break down.

I stayed like that, rocking myself till I saw light filter through.

I raised my head to look at Dagas, amazed that he had that ability but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking behind me.

I turned to see what it was and almost had a heart attack.

A teenaged guy, with messy dark hair and light blue jeans had appeared out of nowhere.

He was definitely handsome and would've been even more charming if the front of his white shirt wasn't stained with blood. His eyes were red rimmed, matching Dagas's.


The pair shared a brief look before he vanished, as fast as he had appeared.

I got to my feet, slowing walking out. Sam was, thank goodness, resting near the water. It didn't look like she had seen the angel.

Dagas was breathing heavily, trying to hide his tears.

Naturally, I had to change the subject before I started crying too.

"Look, man, I know you don't like touchies." I raised my hand, "How about a high five..?!"

Dagas strode over and wrapped me in a bear hug. I was shocked at first but I involuntarily hugged him back. I nestled my head into his shoulder, also involuntary.

Dagas smirked, "Is this an embrace, Daniel?"

"No," I sniffled. "I'm wiping my nose on your shirt."

He started to laugh but I felt him inhale sharply. I felt a prick on my sternum and Dagas's arms slackened.

I stepped back to look at him and my heart almost stopped.

A spike had impaled him in the back, the tip poking out through where his heart should be.

His eyes travelled to his front, which was now blossoming red.

"...shit." He croaked, splattering blood down his shirt and on mine.

I watched as my guardian collapsed on the ground, dying for the second time.

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