Chapter 9: Hope

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There's a misconception that guardian angels watch over you from heaven.

I say misconception because I woke up to mine standing over me like a washed out zombie.

"Eep!" I leapt up, somehow managing to wedge myself between my bed and the wall.

"Oh good you're up."

"What the heck are you doing here?" I struggled to get up but I was really squished there.

"I figured out what I have to do." He pulled me up by my foot, dragging me onto the bed like I weighed nothing.

"And you broke into my house to tell me that? Yeah that's normal."

"Danny!" My mother's voice rang out from downstairs, "Are you talking to yourself again?"

"No, mom! I'm talking to my guardian angel."

"You don't have to be rude, Dan, I'm just asking." I heard her footsteps on the stairwell.

"Ack! Hide!" I shoved Dagas into the closet and shut it, hopping across the room to open the door.

"You okay? You look really pale." Mom gave me the Concerned Mother™ look.

"I'm always pale."

She considered that then stepped into my room.

"Your wizard cape came in the mail today." She held up the package in her hands.

"Oh.. that's nice."

A snort rang out from the closet making her turn, "What was that?"

"Ah, that's nothing," I glared at the door, "Probably a pest!"

".....oh..Kay.." My heart almost stopped as she reached for the closet handle.

"Wait!" I jumped in front of her," I'll do that."

She gave me the Look™ again, "Danny, you sure you're okay?"

"Mmhmm" I nodded, taking the cape from her.

"You can talk me, you know."

"Mom, please, I'm gonna be late for school."

Ugh, the guilt.

"Okay.." She wouldn't meet my eyes as she exited the room, closing the door softly behind her.

Oh gods...

I opened the closet to see the angelic douche smirking at me, "Do you have a magic wand to go with that cape, Danny?"

"Shut up," I shoved him but he grabbed my wrist on the way down, making me fall on top.

After the initial shock that my entire body was touching his entire body, there was the awkward scrambling and wiping off of cooties.

And of course, denying where my hand was.

I scooped up some clothes, trying to hide the fact that my ears were red. "I need to change."

He looked at the shirt in my hands, then back to me, "Man, I ain't helping-"

"No! Get out!" I spluttered, my face suddenly very hot.

"Alright," He held up his palms as he walked to the door.

"Use the window, jackass!"

Dagas looked like he was about to hit me with a Bible but turned anyway, climbing out of the window like an expert stalker.

I exhaled. This was not how I wanted my morning to start.


When I finally joined him outside, Dagas was nice enough to not mention that I'd accidentally felt him up just minutes before.

I adjusted my backpack, the weight calming me down. "So what did you want to talk about?"

He looked like he was trying not to smile, "I know how to get back."

"Great! How do we do that?" I quickened my pace to keep up with his.

"After I saved you, last night-"

"Ignis and Sam saved me."

"Shut your whore mouth I saved you. Anyway, I realized that I got some of my powers back. The cool ones."

I wanted to get him back for the.. whore mouth.. comment but he looked too happy.

"That means you'll get your wings back if you keep helping me?"

"Yeah I thought I'd have to kill you or something,"

I stopped walking.

"I'm kidding."

"So..what? You follow me till another hell hound tries to kill me?"

"Or the same one. It's not actually dead, you know that right?"

He grinned at my terrified expression, "I'll actually be protecting you from.. everything, I guess."

At that moment I tripped on my shoelace, dropping to the ground.

"Hmm..Starting now."

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