Chapter 13: Turn

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"We need to talk."

Those words rang out in my head as I struggled to help him off the ground.

Naturally, he resisted and did it himself.

"Dude, what happened to you?"

"Let's see." He pretended to think. "They didn't like that I'm breaking at least three rules by being here. They didn't like that I'm continuing to break said rules and I just had other demons try to drag me down to hell."

Without warning, he collapsed to his knees, drawing a shaky breath.

"Other demons? What-" I knelt down next to him, "Why didn't you go to the angels for help?"

He bared his teeth in what was supposed to be a smile. "Because, they'd try to kill me on sight."

"Dagas..what are you talking about?"

Part of me already knew what he was going to say but I didn't want it to be true.

"I.. lied.." He looked at my hand, which was gripping onto his. "I'm not the angel.."

I didn't say anything but my grip loosened.

"I'm the demon."

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