Chapter 1 All is well that ends well

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As dawn's first light shattered the blood-soaked darkness, the land of Hyrule breathed a collective sigh of relief. The Hero had prevailed. From the ashes of destruction, hope sprouted anew. The Calamity, the monstrous Ganon, had finally been vanquished, its reign of terror ended by the combined might of the Hero and the Princess. With the silence of their victory echoing through the land, nature began to stir once more, birdsong heralding the advent of peace.

Amidst this serene backdrop, the Hero of Hyrule, Link, his once-vibrant green tunic now weathered and chainmail damaged from the battle, made his descent. His paraglider cut through the crystal-clear sky, bringing him down to the verdant plains of Hyrule, the same plains where he had felled the beast. The world was as it should be once more.

The soft voice that had been his beacon during the storm of battle called out to him, compelling him to turn around. The anticipation in his heart palpable as he eagerly awaited his first glimpse of her, the one who had sealed the Calamity away.

A golden figure, radiant as the sun, materialized beside him, and within moments, he found himself captivated by the most beautiful maiden, no--Princess, his eyes ever had the honor of looking upon. She descended from the heavens like an angel, her stormy, green eyes ensnaring his gaze. As he beheld her, memories long forgotten flooded back, of a cherished friendship, of shared trials and triumphs, and the indomitable bond they'd formed.

Recognition dawned upon him; she was the one, the one he'd been yearning for since his awakening in the shrine.

The Princess, her golden hair billowing in the wind, turned her back to him, casting her gaze across the plains. As she placed a hand over her heart, a sigh broke the tranquility.

"I've been keeping watch over you all this time," she said, voice soft as a whisper. "I've witnessed your struggle to return to us, as well as your trials in battle. I always thought – No, I always believed – that you would find a way to defeat Ganon."

Her royal gown, time-worn yet majestic, danced with the breeze as she turned back to face him.

"I never lost faith in you over these many years."

She smiled, her hands clasped in front of her as if in silent prayer.

"Thank you, Link...the Hero of Hyrule."

The knight's lack of a response caused a subtle hint of doubt to cloud her smile. With more force than she likely intended, and perhaps a hint of fear, she spoke again.

"Do you...really remember me?"

Still meeting her emerald gaze, he found the only word he could muster.


"Link...," the Princess whispered. "There is so much I wanted to say before...before you fell in battle-"

"Do not worry yourself over it, my Princess," the Hero interjected, his hand raised. "The battle is won, you are finally safe, and that's all that matters now. There is time enough later for all the rest."

"Spoken like a true knight," Zelda replied with a soft giggle. "Duty until the end. Even after all these long years, you still haven't changed. I suppose some things cannot truly be forgotten."

Her face became suddenly downcast. "I fear...that I'm the one who might have changed...that perhaps I am no longer much like the Princess of your memory..."

The Princess' hand fidgeted as she looked away. Must she still feel so nervous just being next to him? It had been one hundred years! And again felt as it had in those later days, that too-short time after she'd overcome her bitterness to see the true quality of the young man before her. It was how she felt when she truly met him for the first time; when she got to know the real Link.

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