Chapter 3

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It's Monday afternoon and we're all just hanging out at groundwork coffee, this small coffee place near our school.

I just told Noah, Jaimy and Thomas about Alex and what an asshole he is but they don't look that impressed by my stories.

Noah, by the way, is my older brother. He's only one year older and when Thomas joined the basketball team he became friends with Noah, so then me and Hailey became friends with Noah.

Not that I wasn't friends with Noah before but still it was kinda weird to be in the same group of friends as my brother, at first. Now it's cool I mean Noah still hangs out with his other friends and so do I, so we're not constantly together.

"Guys I'm not kidding he really acted like a jerk to me at work."

Since we got here all I've been trying to do is convince my friends what an asshole Alex is but they don't seem to think of it that way. Apparently Alex did a try out for the basketball team and guess what, he made it.

"You only like him because he's good at basketball."

Thomas looks away and Noah silently sips his coffee. "Oh c'mon are you kidding me, you have to admit he is a jerk."

I can see the laughter in Noah's eyes, I mean he is still my brother even though we're friends and there for he loves to see me get mad.

"Well" Thomas says, "I kinda get it though, I mean he is a little tough and he gets pretty aggressive for like no reason at all."'

Noah suddenly sits straight up, "Dude you know he has trouble at home, he told us like this afternoon." Thomas throws his hands up as if he's being attacked, "Woah chill, I didn't mean to offend you. Not that I understand why you're offended right now." Noah gives him a look.

"All that I'm trying to say is that I do agree with Elynn, about the fact that he can be kind of a jerk, I mean home situations aside didn't his parents teach him some good old manners."

I don't know why but since a year or so family stuff always seems to get to Noah, even when people talk about the fun times with their family's Noah just goes quiet. I've been meaning to ask him what's going on but there are always other people around and just randomly asking him at home doesn't really feel like a great idea.

"Alright can we just drop it already, I do think he's a good guy." Noah pauses and gestures at us all, "All of you clearly don't think about it that way, fine, I'll just tell him tomorrow that he can't come with us to the football game on Friday because you all think he's a jackass."

I almost spit out my coffee, "Are you kidding me, you asked him to come to the game with us." I look at Jaimy but instead of backing me up he says, "I don't mind having him around, I mean he's OK I guess."

I throw my hands up in surrender, are they messing with me. How can they seriously like this guy. All I can do is just sit there, looking at everybody with an expression that hopefully says 'come on guys, just back me up on this one'.

"Noah you could've run this idea by us first before you actually invited him along." I look at Thomas and I silently mouth him a thank you before I hear Noah speak again. "Alright next time I will check with you guys."

He says it as if he's talking to all of us but I know he is mostly talking to me and also a little bit to Thomas because he only looks at us while he's talking. "Oh yeah, before I forget" now he is looking at everyone, "His sister's coming as well so at least be nice to her okay."

Hailey looks up, "Oh I think she's in our English class, she seems alright." I look up to, "Wait that new girl is Alex's sister?" I don't understand how someone so annoying can have such a nice sister, I've met her and she actually is pretty fun. "I guess it wouldn't be so bad to have her around as well." Noah grins at me and I stick my tong out.

"We'd better get going" Jaimy says and he looks at me. Oh yeah that's right, we're going to the movies tonight. "Yeah sure," I say as I stand up and grab my coat.

Noah gives Thomas a look before he says, "Hailey, aren't you and Thomas going with them?" I can see Haileys cheeks slightly turning red as Thomas says, ''Dude shut up.'' Before he pushes Noah aside. "I'm only kidding" Noah laughs but he gives me a look.

Noah and I are always teasing Hailey and Thomas about the fact that they have/have had a crush on each other.

I don't even know if they now that from each other.

Jaimy and I are going to walk to the cinema but everybody else is staying to finish their coffee so before the door closes I shout, "Thomas don't forget to give Hailey a kiss from me as well when you go home." I laugh and stick my tongue out. Hailey gives me a look. "Oh shut up you'' she laughs and just before the door closes behind us I can see this time it's Thomas who's turning red.

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