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SHE SAT DOWN, her eyes glued to the wooden floor as she clutched the stuffed toy in her arms tight. Hearing crashing noises coming from the floor below terrified her, it was loud and uncalled for. She was feeling quite calm, until someone opened the door, making her jump in fear before quickly crawling under the table.

The person let out a soft chuckle as they began to walk towards the girl under the table, placing the chair that was under the desk, away so that they could see the little girl. The person crouched down to the little girl's level and smiled at her. As the girl recognized the familiar ginger-haired woman she shared many memories with.

"Pepper, I'm scared." She said to the woman as she took her in a quick embrace.

"Don't worry Amanda. It's just your Father working." She said to Amanda as she curled up in the woman's grasp. She could feel her shiver as the noise from below continued. "On his suit."

Amanda sighed as she had let go of Pepper's grasp on her, looking back down at her bedroom floor before letting out a sigh. She looked over at the clock that hung over her dresser and tapped her legs in a slight rhythm before crawling out the desk, wincing once more as she hears glass shatter into pieces from the other room. She gets into bed and sees that Pepper is holding a sort of book in her hands.

Amanda slipped into the covers of her blanket and snuggled up against her toy. Seeing as Pepper sat down at the edge of her bed.

"Would you like me to continue Amanda?" Pepper then asked the girl who shook her head. She then sat up and grabbed the book from Pepper's hands and placed them on her bedside table, before turning back to the woman.

"I want to know what Dad is up to."


Amanda peeped through the window, seeing as her Father was slowly forming an iron or even metallic suit of armor. She was curious to see what her Father seemed to be doing a Pepper would not tell her anything. She was a curious little child, always finding a way to get into his garage.

The young girl hid behind the marble pillars as she watched her Father get into the suit, his machine ready. Along with a camera shown in the far corner as she could see the red light, showing that it was recording. She was surprised to see her Father closed up in a little suit of Iron, in which she was wondering why he has done that.

But the surprising thing was when Tony Stark had gone home, was that he was different, he changed after his trip, along with his appearance. She noticed a blue light that was attached to his chest. She wondered why he had that on him, but Pepper still wouldn't tell her anything. She knew nothing about her Father's trip. Which was strange as Pepper told her everything about her Father, from his 'one-night stands' to his work. Her Father never brought girls home after his trip, which was odd, but it was for the better as she never really liked them.

His last one was after a party, as the girl was exceptionally rude to Pepper. In which Amanda replied with a good response.

But in all honesty, her Father was never there for anything, he never told anybody about Amanda besides Pepper. He never attended the parent-teacher meetings, only Pepper bothered to become her placeholder Mother.

She sighed as she then continued to watch her Father, making a sketch of his Iron armor. As her eyes flicked from her notepad to the suit of armor, coloring in the sketch as she wanted to have a certain design for the suit of armor, she spotted her Father slowly turning towards her and she began to rush back up the stairs. Leaving in her drawing on the floor.


Tony Stark had finally finished it, all thanks to an unknown design that he had found on the floor one night.

The design of his new Iron Suit. In which he would be called Iron Man to the public. His suited painted with red and gold all over. His interface seemed to be working in order but all that was needed now was to see if he could fly or not.

That was the real question.


"Hey Ned," Amanda muttered as she sat next to him, seeing as he was sitting alone at a desk by themselves.

During a span of a couple of weeks, Amanda only managed to befriend one person, he went by the name of Edward Leeds, Ned for short. He was alongside Her, a smarter kid in the class, seems to know a lot more when they had harder topics presented to them.

Ned seemed to grow a liking to Amanda, seeing as both didn't have friends, taking in the company of each other. They sat next to each other when it was lunchtime. They talked together, walked together, went to each other's lockers and were made fun off. The other kids calling him 'Nerdy Ned' in which Amanda tries to defend him.

"Hey, Mandy. What's up?" He said as he grinned, looking over at her as she sat next to him. She flashed him smile back at him and immediately took out her notepad, sliding it across the desk for him to see.

"Look at these, looks cool, right?" She said as she had a triumphant feeling surge through her as she showed her friend.

"Man! How didja get these Iron- Man suits to look super similar?"

Age eleven, that was when middle school began. Amanda didn't know much, but to Ned, as he explained the concepts of middle school. Basically, everyone you meet will turn into an ass in the near future. And nobody knows why.

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