Part 14

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Three Months Later

Amber's POV

Outside Jefferson Middle School, students chat and disperse, saying their goodbyes before leaving for home at the end of the school day. I keep my eyes out for Andi, but she's nowhere in sight. Instead, I see TJ and Cyrus approaching me with big smiles across their faces.

"Hi, Amber," Cyrus says. "You looking for Andi?"

"Yeah," I reply. "Do you know where she is?"

"I think she had to talk to one of the teachers, so she might take a while," TJ responds. "Hey, since you're waiting anyway, you should come see what we found around the side of the school."

"What is it?"

"A . . . bird," TJ answers.

"A bird?" I repeat, giving him an 'are you serious' look.

Cyrus glances at him, not impressed, but TJ just shrugs.

"A bird's nest," Cyrus says. "In the trees around the side of the school."

"You should come see it," TJ insists.

"I think I'll just wait for her here," I say.

"Trust me," Cyrus says. "You'll want to see it."

"I'm fine," I reiterate.

Cyrus and TJ share a concerned glance, then they each take one of my arms and begin pulling me across the grass.

"Come on, guys," I whine. "What if Andi gets out?"

They ignore me and continue to tug me around the corner of the building. As soon as we round the edge, I stop and my jaw drops. TJ and Cyrus let go of me and grin at each other while TJ goes over to put his arm around Cyrus.

Before me, Andi stands a few metres away at the end of a rose petal trail on the grass. on either side of her, Buffy and Marty hold signs. Together they read "Spring Fling?" In Andi's hands she holds a crown of wound roses like I made her the day I asked her to be my girlfriend. I can't help but smile and blush as I approach her.

"Princess Amber," she says, "four months ago, I never thought it was possible to care about a person as much as I care about you. Last dance, I asked you to come with me because I didn't want to be alone. Now it's not about wanting to not be alone anymore; it's about not wanting to be without you. So this time, Princess Amber, I would like to formally ask you to go to the dance with me."

I smile. "Obviously yes."

Then I throw my arms around her neck and press my lips to hers. I feel her place the crown on my head before wrapping her arms around my waist. Cheers erupt around us, the loudest of which are coming from our friends. As we part, the crowd disperses, and Andi tucks a strand of my loose hair behind my ear.

"Did you like how I asked you?" she wonders. "I was going to get balloons, but I kinda forgot."

"It's perfect. I love it." I keep my eyes locked with hers, and whisper, "I love you."

She smiles. "I love you too."

Her lips kiss mine again, electrifying a spark inside of me. I want us to be like this forever. I want to kiss her like this forever. I want to love her like this forever.

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