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So my updating has been pretty werid,  I was only updating when I felt like it and also i was updating from my phone. But now i have my own computer so it should be pretty regular now i shooting for every wensday or friday. I am also i highschool student now so my school work does come first, sadly, but i'll try my hardest to get new chapters out to you every week. But if there is not a update that week i figure something out for you guys to get involed with.

*WWA tour Info*

My concert date is September 27, and if any one of you is ging to that same concert tell me and maybe if you want we could meet up. It's all up tp you so just speak up. I'll be in the lawn area BTW.



I want you guys to be involed in that the story, I want to be friend with some of my readers. I'll be doing contest for shout outs and random drawings for shout out and other prizes. So don't be afraid to comment I'll most likely responed. If any of you would like to promote the story just they you are and I'll give you a shout out in two chapters. So tweet about the story instagram it every little bit helps and it will be greatly apprecitated.



1) If i made a youtube account and posted videos how many of you would subcribe?

2)How would you guys like to get involed?

3) Tell me about your self(name, hobbies, were you from? just what ever you want me to know)?

4)Like and vote and all that good stuff?



I'm going to choose two people to shout out at the end of the next chapter.

All you have to do is try to make me laugh in the comment, that's it, it's that easy.

the contest starts now and ends september 6th, GO!!



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