Louis' family

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Marliee P.O.V

Today was the day we fly out to see louis' family. we are staying for a week and then head home. I had talk to Mr.jones and I got him a copy of my birth certificate and he had pen pointed a the location of my parents, it was wolferhampton, so I was so much more closer to finding my birth parents.

"Mar, babe ready to go?" Louis asked waking me up out out day dream.

"Yeah let's go" I went to grab my bag but Louis beat me to it.

" You know you don't have to do that ya know?" I stated following Lou down the stairs.

"Oh I know but your my fiancé"( sorry if I didn't spell that right) . I love it when he said in was his soon to be wife or fiancé.

-after plane ride-

"Marilee, wake up, wake uppp, Mar"

"Mhh what?" I murmured

" We are here, in Doncaster" I finally decided to open my eyes to see the other passengers getting off

"Oh" I stood up and grabbed my bag from the over head cabinet, and followed louis, I could heard the screams from in side of the plane.

Louis reached behide him and grab my hand so we would not lose each other, and with my free hand I pulled up my hood on my jacket.

as soon as we left the plane to girls went wild and where shouting random things like

"Loui marry me!" I smirked at that one,

"Marilou for ever!"

" Love me!"

"will you sign this?"

But there was one that stuck out more then anyone

"HEY! Marilee why don't you just die it's going to happen any way right?"

Lou then turned to me, he must have heard it to. he pulled me up and put his arm around me.

" yeah babe, you alright?" I nodded my head and we keep walking. I felt a not on my throat but I swallowed it

We had only brung a carry on cause I didn't really need much I pack light.

" Louis!" We had finally found louis' family, The twins were running towards us.

"Hey!", Lou always loved coming to see his family, it made him so happy."mum!" Lou dropped his bag and jogged over to his mum and hugged her giving her a kiss on the cheek, he then came back to me to grab his bag and with his free hand he held my hand, and we walk back to his family again. I have never met Louis sisters before but I have met Jay before, she is so sweet.

" Ohhhh! Lou has a girlfriend!" shouted daisy.

"Haha yeah.. this is Marilee" Lou said awkwardly. they had no idea Louis had proposed to me, that is what this whole trip is about to tell then.

"Hello" they all said together except for Fizzy.

" Félicité, you are in the presents of you only brother girlfriend, say hello!" Jay scolded fizzy.

"Hey",she said blankly not looking up from her phone, "mum can we go?Sadie wants me to go out with her tonight" jay sighed.

"Alright let's go" jay tried sounding happy but upset but you can tell she wasn't.

As we walked out of the airport to car there wasn't many paps so that was good.

"I sorry about Félicité she has been this since she met this girl Sadie" I turned to see jay.

"Oh no, it's ok she is a teenager I sure we were all like that to are parents once" I explained.

" So any way how has your treatment been going?" see Jay knows i have cancer but the girls do not know.

"It been going good, but there is some bad news but I'll tell you that part later, its a long story" I heard one of the girls squeal, we look up to see Lou picking Up Phoebe and letting her hang from his arm.

" He talks about you a lot ya know, ever time we talk over the phone, it's mostly about you" I blushed at her comment.

~skip car ride~

"You and Lou will be staying in lou's old room" Jay said sounding her happy old self but it was ruined when fizzy came down the stairs wearing a tight crop top, leather jacket and short SHORT jeans shorts, and not to forget her to heavily caked on make up.

" In leaving Sadie's is here" once again she had a blank expression.

"Um.... fizz?," lou asked weirdly

"yeah!" she look excited for once Lou talked to her

"Do you have some thing less... um reviling, cause I you are my little sister and lik-"

"No" she I've again had the blank face And a pissy tone

"Ya sure?" Lou pressed

" I have to go" she almost left when I stepped in.

"Where ya going?" I asked al sweetly as possible

she scoffed "why do you care, you only want my brother for his money to pay for treatments for you dumb 'cancer'," she put little air quotation around the word cancer",doubt you even are sick any way whore!" she snapped we all stood there gaping at what she said.

" FÉLICITÉ TOMLINSON! there was uncalled for you are grounded and are no longer hanging out with this aside girl!" Jay yelled surprising all of us and grab fizzy arm and took her to the kicthen

I just stood there surprised.

"What is cancer?" daisy asked, the younger girls didn't know about my illness

"It just means that Mari is really sick" Louis explain to them.

"Will she get better?" asked phoebe

"Hopefully" Louis said in a whisper.

The twins then ran off to go play.

"You ok?" what a silly question I mean I was called a whore, faking cancer, and on top of that I was dieing

"You know the anserew Lou" was all I said in a very hushed tone

"I know I do"

There was then I sharp pain in my side but I ignored it

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