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Marliee p.o.v

I turned around to see Louis on one knee, with the rest of the boys around him humming a song I couldn't make out.

"Omg Louis...." I was just speechless

"Marilee Rose styles,

Ever since the first date I knew you your the one, my world, I couldn't go a day with out hearing your voice.Your my best friend, my soul mate, my one true love, and to the world you are my girlfriend it now I want to make you my wife, okay? I was speechless, I then realized what the other boys were singing it was married you by Bruno Mars.

"I...i... okay" we had just quoted my all time favortive book the fault in our stars.

Louis then got off one knee and we engulfed in a hug, I squealed as he spun me around he sat me down and but the ring on my finger. I looked up at Harry and he was smiling to. this was perfect in that moment right there I forgot all of the worries in the world and was truly happy.


1 week later

( f you read this is the sponge bob voice thingy your awesome)

-see the world

-meet john green

-be in a movie


-be on broadway

I was skimming over my bucket list just looking or adding more at the moment they was 68 of them I planed of making 100 and at least complete 50 of them and oddly enough number 50 was complete 50 on my bucket list. it's been a week since Louis proposed and had told everybody(every body being Anne and Gemma, I have not told any of my friends yet). the boys fans didn't know yet but we where planing on telling them soon. I have a appointment to day but not with a doctor, it was with some one who is going to help me make a wish on my bucket list come true.

That wish being number 1 find my real parents.


"So Ms. styles, you want to find your birth parents?" I nodded my head" Well I not say I can't do it but It will be hard but I can do it I have done it before, All I need to know is the foster house you were adopted from your birth certificate, and phone number so I can call you when I find your parents just put all on this piece of paper and you are go to go" I put all my information on the card and handed it back to him

"Thank you so much for helping me" I stated

"Your welcome, and we did agree on payment afterwards right?" Mr. jones said a Looking over my information.

"Yes, £350 right?"

"Mmhm and the birth certificate you will bring that by right?"(there are a lot of rights)

"As soon as I can" and with that I left.

As I drove to go meet Louis for lunch I couldn't help but admire my ring and smile. I pulled up and parked in a open stop near the door of a small cafè. I started wearing my ring on public more so we could get to word out with just saying new are getting married. Louis sat over in to comer on his phone.

"Hey lou" I sat down across from him and he looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Hey babe, how was your day so far"

I didn't tell anyone I was trying to find my birth parents.

"It was good emily," Emily was one I my best friend she had survive lung cancer." has been doing great!" I hadn't seen Emily since the day Lou proposed. I knew I had to lie or he would flip about me trying to find my really parents, we had talked about it before but he said 'why would you need them you got us' which is true cause they must have given me up for a reason.

" I'm going to go see my family in a few days I was wondering if you would like to go with me so we can tell them about the engagement together?" Louis family had always approved of me from the beginning. But I don't know what they will think of us getting married at 20 well Louis being 21 but still.

" Yeah, I'd love to" I smiled


Hey guys so I think of like a fan base name for you guys but I'm letting you vote on it so the choices are

A. Wallflowers

B. buddies


So that it but for the next chapter 5 comments


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