Chapter Four: The Transition

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They had been on this planet and in this cabin for fourteen days now. Kiy was still jumpy but not quite so, and Linx was wary to make physical contact beyond when they recharged.

Kiy felt Linx's emotions grow stronger, his fear, his guilt; just as he felt the distance between them grow. Kiy looked up and to his left, watching Linx carve out a sharp point on the end of a thicker branch to make a spear for fishing. As he worked Kiy watched him, watched his face of concentration as he watched the emotions dance behind his eyes. Kiy stood, setting his own spear down, and made his way over the few feet and sat down next to Linx. He knew Linx was purposefully not hiding his emotions from him, sending them out in waves and pulling him in as if caught in the tide. "Hi," Kiy said, squinting against the sun.

Linx glanced over at him, his hand stilling, and gave him the barest smile. "Hey, mo croí."

"Can I come with you?" Kiy asked him almost unsure if he would grant his request.

"I'd love nothing more. After I finished this," he held up the spear the slightest bit, "I was going to go see if I could find some fruit of some kind beyond where we've searched so far. Maddox seems sure there are no other humans close by, and she's usually right about these things. Feel up for a bit of a hike? Might put some color back in your skin." Linx reached up and gently swiped his knuckle down Kiy's cheek, smiling when he didn't rear back in fear. "I love you, mo croí."

"I love you, too, Linx. I really do." Linx could see the anxiety written across his face, afraid he would no longer believe it.

"I know you do." Linx smiled at him reassuringly, wanting so badly to kiss him in that moment it was overwhelming.

Kiy looked at him, their eyes meeting before Kiy powered through any residual fear and leaned in, softly pressing his lips against that of his mates. Within that kiss, Kiy felt the love they had always shared and realized he missed him more than he had known he had. As they broke apart, Kiy leaned in again, his head tilting downward to rest against Linx's chest, his arms circling round his sides. Linx kissed the back of his neck, inhaling Kiy's unique scent and getting lost in it.

Linx looked up and smiled lightly as Maddox vanished into the cabin, her own answering smile pulling at her lips. "We should get going if we want to try and find anything before it starts getting dark. You still wanna come with me?"

Kiy nodded and sat up. "Yes. If...if you wouldn't mind me going with you."

Linx grinned. "I always want you with me." He glanced down at his hands. "I never wanna let you out of my sight again. I miss you, Kiy."

"I miss you, too." Kiy took a deep breath to stamp down the emotions he felt, both his own and Linx's.

Linx smiled, though there was deep sadness behind it. "Ready?"

Kiy nodded as they both stood. "Not gonna bring the spear?"

Linx looked at the weapon. "No. Should I?"

"Well, what if we find fruits at the tops of trees?" he opined.

"Ah." Linx turned and knelt down, picking up another weapon that was to his right. "We have this."

Kiy smiled. "You made a bow?"

"I did. And some dulled arrows, as well as some sharp ones, mind. But the dull ones are for just that purpose." Linx smiled at him, bright and true. For a moment it seemed things were exactly as they should be between them, with no extra tension and no fear. Kiy smiled back. "Ready?" Kiy nodded and they began walking west. Into his communication device attached to his shoulder, Linx said, "We're going to look for fruit. Or what passes as fruit on this planet. I'll keep my com on if you need anything. You two do the same."

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