Chapter Nine: Seeing is Believing

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The boy was back. The boy he'd come to know and love. So much like the Kiy he grew up with, yet different in his own right.

Tears freely ran down his face, his cries undiluted from pain, from fear. From the guilt of that fear because deep down he knew that Linx would never hurt him. He knew what he had to do now. What his purpose here was.

With fear in his heart but with set determination, Kiy sat up. Linx watched him wordlessly, tears upon his own face from his encounter with a lover once again vanished. "My whole life, Linx, I never let you see. I never let you see what exactly they did to me because I was still afraid of them. I never let you touch me because this part of me...the one you see before you now..." He stretched out his hand, looking at the small, splayed fingers out before him. "Was too afraid to let it be known...I loved you and I didn't want it to end after you..."

Linx listened to adult Kiy's words in a child's voice and it threw him for a loop. He frowned. "Kiy, what?"

"Please," Kiy said. "Just listen, okay?" He took a shuddering breath and wiped his face. "I couldn't let you see, Linx, because I have always been scared that they were right. That's why I never let you touch me on my birthday. But now..." Kiy looked Linx in the eye, his pain bleeding from his eyes in clear streams. "Now it's time to let you see, Linx."

Before Linx could answer or question, Kiy touched his fingertips to Linx's forehead.

When Linx came to, he was somewhere he recognized. Instantly his hakles were raised and he felt completely on edge. He was in base housing, that much was clear. And he knew without being told he was back at the CTC.

A door opened behind him and he spun around, ready to defend himself against all the enemies surrounding him. But the man entering the room didn't notice him. He seemed even to walk directly through him. As if he weren't there at all.

Linx frowned, confused, and dropped his hands. His head whipped around at the sound of a voice coming from the shaded corner of the room. A voice he knew well. "He can't see you."

"Kiy?" Kiy came from the shadows, purposefully not looking toward the man who was now standing beside a small bed. He stood in front of Linx. He was so, so close. "Is it really you?" Linx reached out to touch his face with soft fingertips. He let out a shaky breath when his hand met warm, live skin.

"It is." Kiy grasped Linx's hand that still palmed his cheek. Kiy's eyes watered and spilled. "I need you to see, Linx." Kiy didn't turn around as Linx focused on the scene playing out before him. Leaning into his lover, Kiy sought the safety he never received as a child. Not until Linx.

Linx wrapped his arms around Kiy, who's entire being vibrated with the memory of what Linx now viewed in living color. The bed sheets had been pulled down, the boy's clothes pulled off, as large hands roamed his small body. The child cried silently, quiet tears of shame sliding down his face as his body responded to the outter stimulus.

Linx watched in abstract horror as the boy aged slightly, his hair a shade darker, his legs a stint longer. Twice. Three times. The act never ending. The man had aged, too, though not as noticably. The boy responded more animatedly, his immature voice moaning to forced pleasure. "Ready, boy? Ready for me?" Kiy didn't have time to answer before a scream ripped from his gut, making its way through his vocal cords and out his mouth.

Linx held Kiy, his Kiy, closer to him as he screamed with his younger self, as if he too were feeling the man's penatration. Linx never took his eyes away from the bed, even as his grip tightened around the Kiy he held.

"Get used to this, boy," the man said harshly into his ear. "Your leader will have this pleasure upon the day of your birth." His movements quickened as his speech halted, his body tightening with impending climax. When he was done he threw the boy off him, laughing as he drew his fingers over the boy's spent, naked body. "And then he'll be done with you." He man laughed. Both the young boy and cowering adult flinched from the evil sound. The boy and man aged again, the scene resetting once again.

"Kiy, end this," Linx said in gravelly tones, his own eyes fighting to spill at all he'd just witnessed and continued to witness. Lot didn't respond but to wail harder, yet silently into Linx's chest.

Linx watched in horror as the boy aged again. "Tonight is the last night you'll be with me, boy." Linx didn't fail to noticed how the boy never wore clothes. Each time he aged and the man entered, the boy was already devoid of clothes. The boy flinched as the man ran his large, grizzly palm over Kiy's small, delicate frame. "Then it'll be someone's else's turn at you. No matter how long you're with him, don't ever think he'll love you. Soon as the day of your birth rolls around and he has you, he'll discard you like the used up trash you are."

"Kiy, enough. End this. Please, Kiy, end this." Linx buried his face in Kiy's shoulder, willing to see no more as he finally knew what he'd tried a lifetime to understand. He held him tighter still as the world around them became bright with a white light that engulfed them both. A flash. And Kiy was gone.

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