Chapter Ten: Hidden Reality Hidden No More

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Linx's eyes snapped open on a sharp inhalation of breath. His eyes darted around in such a fashion that it reminded Zim of a caged animal ready to attack as soon as the cage door opened.

Tears dried on his face, no longer running, but stopping their tracks as if to defy gravity. "Linx?"

Linx glanced up toward a frantic looking Zim. He took the time to think that in all the years Linx had known Zim, he'd never before seen him so scared. "Where's Kiy?" Linx sat up, grabbing his head as pain stabbed through it.

"Linx, damn you, sit back down." Rough hands pulled him gently back into a seating position. "You've had us worried sick."

Linx didn't have time to analyze the tremors in Zim's voice. He needed Kiy.  He repeated, "Where's Kiy, Zim?" He tried to look around, to find him, but the pain in his head was only getting worse.

"I don't know. When Maddox and I came out here this morning he was gone and you were on the floor completely unfuckingresponsive. Maddox is out-"

At that moment Zim's radio kicked in and Maddox's voice carried over. "Zim! Zim do you copy?"

"Did you find him?" Zim wasted no time. She wouldn't have radioed otherwise.

"I did. He's alive. But he's weak. I can't carry him alone."

Zim glanced at Linx who looked pale as he'd ever seen him. "Go."

"I'm on the way," Zim spoke into his com. He nodded once at his friend and team leader and, turning toward the door, ran. "Where are you?"

"East of the cave entrance. Hurry, Zim."

And hurry he did. He put all of his physical training for speed and endurance to the test as he pushed his body to the limit, never stopping. Never slowing. Always intent on his one destination.

When he arrived at Maddox's location, Zim tried not to fear the worse as he looked at his downed friend. His skin was cold to the touch, almost transparent. His eyes were cloudy, though not with death; something much more haunting. "Maddi, help me get him up."

Together they maneuver Kiy that affords Zim better leverage to pick him up over his shoulder. Once he was secure, they walked back toward home, Maddox keeping a constant eye on Kiy's pulse and making sure he kept breathing. It was an ardurus trip spent on an adrenaline and fear high similar to battle engagement. When the cabin appeared, Maddox ran ahead to check Linx. She found him in similar condition, laid out where he had been when they had found him that morning. Maddox's blinked tears from her eyes when she found a pulse. His eyes were closed.

She helped Zim lay Kiy down next to Linx, facing one another. Linx opened his eyes then, his vision being no wider than the sight of Kiy's face. He moved closer, the sight of him lying there next to him was both relieving and heartbreaking. Kiy responded to Linx's movements, himself becoming animated, alive, for the first time since Maddox found him. They wrapped themselves around each other, color returning to their cheeks.

Zim added logs to the fire before sitting next to Maddox, his arm sliding around her back in silent support. He had known her most of his life. More of it than he hadn't, he realized. And in all those years, he had seen her in every state one could see another person in. Yet in all that time, she was always a warrior first. Here and in this moment, sitting on the floor at their friends' feet, their fate uncertain, she was a woman. She was the woman he loved bar all else, and she was hurting.

He leaned into her and kissed her temple. He wanted to reassure her that everything would be alright by morning. That they would be alright. But he spoke not. He said not words of reassurance because he was just as scared as she was. He was just as uncertain. He'd never before lied to her. He wasn't about to start now.

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