Chapter 4

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I was #39 on What's Hot now I'm #62! :(

Tragic, I know.

That's why I decided to upload early. :)

This is short, though! Sorry

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Chapter 4

Suze's POV

I ran to Jesse at lunch. I just had to say sorry.

"Jesse! Jesse, stop! Please!" I screamed. Jesse saw me and he abruptly turned away and started walking away quickening his pace. I ran as fast as I could and when I reached him, I saw that we were in the Mission's graveyard.

I put my hand on his shoulder. Jesse looked at me, startled that I touched him. Then his gaze softened.

"What is it Susannah?" he said in a hurt and surprisingly tired voice. He looked tired. He sat down and I sat down beside him.

"Look Jesse, I am sorry about what I said before. I didn't realize that you were....well.....A Mediator."

Jesse looking surprised would have been the understatement of the year.

"Wha...what did you say?" he stuttered.

"You're a Mediator am I."

Jesse looked at the floor.

"I thought.......I thought that I was alone....." Jesse voice was filled with sadness. Poor guy must've faced many hardships.

"You must've faced many things, you thinking that you had the burden of these ghosts. You needed to help them.......before they beat the crap out of you." I chuckled at the last bit. And Jesse laughed with me.

"Come on..." I said pulling him up. "Let's go get some lunch...."

Then we walked back to the courtyard together, hopefully everything would be okay between us, now that Jesse knew. He won't be alone any more. He would have me and Father Dom.

Though I doubt that he would be happy about Paul. Seriously, the two hate each others guts!

No one's POV

Little did they know that they were being watch not by one person.....but two. One human, yet not really belonging and the other, not belonging to this world at all. At least not anymore.

The boy stood behind the bushes and watched as the two made amends and laughed together while they walked back to the courtyard.

"Yes!" said the boy jumping a little then he walked back to the courtyard just behind the other two.

The ghost while watching the scene unfold had already begun to plan his revenge.

"Soon, young Mediator, I will have my revenge. Soon........." he crooned.

And true to his word he began to plot his revenge against the boy.

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I'm not trying to be greedy, but I need 20 Votes for the next chapter :)

Hope that's not a lot to ask, I just need motivation :)

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