Chapter 6

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I don't like writing romantic scenes. (They make me cringe, honestly)

But here goes xD

P.s This is 6 pages on MS Word. So yeah :P




Chapter 6

Getting ready for my date with Tad

All thoughts of Chris and Bryan Withers disappeared...because it was date-time with one of THE hottest guys in Carmel.

For my date I'm thinking I should wear...My Jimmy Choo espadrilles, knee-length black suede skirt with a dark purple silk shirt. For make-up...dark aubergine-eyeliner and black waterproof-mascara with baby-pink coloured lip-gloss. Come-on my favourite colour IS black! But not in a gothic way, I prefer a more mysterious way.

"Susie, Tad is here" my mother calls up the stairs. Shit, my hair!

"Five more minutes, mom" I holler back.

OK so hair what should I do with my dark curly, waist-length hair. Where's my favourite black studded clip? I thought I had it on at school today...must've dropped it, when I was chasing Chris! Great! Now what? I grabbed my ceramic straightners and used them to make the ends of my hair flick. Perfect. In 5 minute's my hair was done.

I make my way downstairs. I see Tad, who looks totally hot with ..........., my step-father and Andy are getting acquainted. Max the family dog is sniffing around...only he isn't the only one sniffing around since Brad comes out from behind me.

And shrieks straight into my ear. "Queen of the Underworld has Resurrected!" I grab him in a headlock and start pulling the hairs at the back of his neck.

Brad yelps, pulls away and runs back up the stairs. Chicken.

"You look nice" Tad says apparently not noticing what I just did to my stepbrother. Next to him is Andy grinning at me.

"Yeah, thanks sorry about that. We have a pest problem, but I think I've sorted it out" I say grinning at them.

My mother glares at me, I ignore her. "I'll see you guys at 11'o'clock, right?" I say super-chirpily, to Andy.

"Right, don't be late and keep your cell switched on, for once" he says grinning, obviously enjoying telling a girl opposed to a boy, what to do.

"Make sure you wear a seatbelt, and Tad - be careful with my daughter, she has a tendency to get into trouble." Mom exclaims, all of a sudden.

Bitch! She just had to say that.

I shoot her my best glare.

"No worries Mrs. Anderson" Tad winks at her and

"Will do, bye" I say. I grab Tad and make my way out.

After date with Tad

Ok, my date with Tad is going smoothly, we went to see the latest Harry Potter. It was so good! And the first time I wore 3D glasses, everything looks really different with them on.

After the movie

I'm making out with Tad in his car, which is a dark green Range Rover, on my drive way, when all of a sudden there is a tap on the window.

Startled we both pull apart. I look out the window and see someone standing there looking surprised...

...Jesse and surprisingly CHRIS is right there next to him, glaring at me. God he MUST have a crush on me!!! What's wrong with them? What are they doing at my house at 11PM?? Freaks.

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