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Hi! My name is Kaihlyn, and I love Death Note. This is my first fanfiction, so it's probably terrible, hut hopefully it'll get better as we go along. ^.^ By we, I mean my best friend and I. She's helping, but I'm writing it. One of the OCs is hers, the other is mine. Anyways, yeah. I don't own Death Note. I only own Adrika and Aeon. All credit goes to the orginal authors. So, I hope you like it. Okay. So, here it is now. I'll be quiet now. xD

~Adrika's P.O.V.~

I walked into the building, a few steps beside my sister. She looked brave, strong, and I knew she was going to get along great here. Unlike myself, small, scared, and worried what would happen to us. We've always been opposites. Despite the fact we're twins, she's taller then me. Her black hair conflicted against my white. Her steel grey eyes shone beside my dark purple.

She scanned the room and the many kids inside of it. A few kids stood out to us. A tall child with longish, golden hair was eating a bar of chocolate sitting against the wall next to a redhead, who was staring at a gaming system in his hand. I saw a name floating above their heads in red.

Keehl and Jeevas.

Rodger led us to the main office, where we had to sign some papers.

I filled it out.

Name: Asa Ridrhauh

Age: 9

Eye colour: Purple

Hair colour: White

Alias: Adrika

Strange questions. Our eyes and hair? I shrugged. I glanced at my sister's paper.

Name: Ada Ridrhauh

Age: 9

Eye colour: Grey

Hair Colour: Black

Alias: Aeon

"Okay girls. You're going to share a room. Go down the hall, take a left, and walk to the 17th door on the right." With that, he ushered us out the door. We stepped back into the main room. This time, I noticed a kid with white hair and pure white clothing in the corner, snapping a puzzle into place at incredible speed. His name was River.

"Ada," I whispered, "The kid in white. What's his name?"

"Nate." She replied, "Also, call me Aeon."

I gestured to Keehl and Jeevas. "Theirs?"

I waited, but she was silent. She was looking at them. "Aeon?"

No reply. I poked her. "Oh, right, sorry. The one with the game is Mail. The.... other one's name is Mihael. Such a cool name..."

With that, we walked to our room. Across from the door, there was a window, and on either wall was a bed. I walked over and sat on the left. Aeon did the same on the right. "How are we going to live without mom and dad?" I asked, tears forming in my purple eyes.

"I'm not sure, Asa. We'll find a way. Maybe we'll be the ones to succeed L." She smiled, trying to cheer me up.

"Who knows." I replied, staring out the window. The sun was starting to set. And like the sun, we fell into sleep, dreaming of what would become of us.

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