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Just in case you don't know:

(y/n) = your name; (l/n) = last name

(f/n) = friend's name; (f/c) = favorite color

(e/c) = eye color; (h/c) = hair color

POV = Point of view

On to the book! (/*^*)/ ~--------------------~

My eyes flutter open as I stood in an unknown location. Just in the middle of the dark woods. A soft light appears from behind, looming over a seemingly endless path. Hopeless and not having any other options around me, I had to go down the path.

Hours passed and it felt like forever on this path. Just walking pass these trees that now all loos identical. Would I even be able to get back home? I was about to give up until I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry I didn't see wher-"

I lost track of my thoughts as fear flows all over my body. Frozen in spot as I stare at this man, towering over me. One thing I couldn't get my head through was that he didn't have a face. I try my hardest to move but I wouldn't budge.

My eyes widened as I looked up towards him to only see black tendrils burst out from his back and surround my entire body. I struggle to get free but I wouldn't move even just a little bit. The faceless man bends closer to my face like he was observing me. I watch in horror as a slit opens up at where his mouth is supposed to be. His wide grin as it can ever be and grinning down to me.

"Welcome home my child."

~Current Time ~

That was my first dream of him from 14 years ago.

Do you ever have the same acquiring dream? For every night? Or every time you fall asleep? It's not one of those dreams you get after a tragic event. It was one of those dreams that you got from the very first dream until today. I just repeated over and over again. With no escape.

I always had that same dream. I just walk down the same path at the same woods and that faceless man. I can never get him off my mind. Out of any monster that I could dream of. Why him?

I sat on my window sill, lost in my trail of thoughts as I look out to the woods pass my backyard fence. Ever since those dreams, I've always wanted to go into those woods but I just couldn't bring myself to it. It's just that faceless man, what will he do after he gets me? That dream always ends once he talks.

"Breakfast is ready (Y/N)!"

My mom called for me from downstairs.

"I'm coming!"

I responded back, taking a last glance to the woods at the back then left to the dining table. The silence always filled the room as there is nothing else to really talk about considering I've been homeschooled every since the dream came to show signs of my insanity. It's boring around here, nothing much to really do,

"(Y/n), honey, we've been thinking about this for a very long time."

My mom starts, looking into my eyes.

"We decided that you can go to a normal school and it starts today."

My father continued. A jolt of excitement enters my body as I hugged them both in happiness.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you both sooo much! Now I gotta pick an outfit."

I said repeatedly and as they giggled and hugged me back. I ran back up to my bedroom and looked for an outfit to wear for the day. It's my first time going to school and I gotta look good for it.

~Timeskip ~

Minutes passed and my dad drops me off to my new school. We said our goodbyes and I faced the school. People all around. Entering the school building, meeting their friends and such. I took a deep breath and faced my new journey. However, I started thinking. What if everything goes out of plan? Maybe, laying low and not talking would help.

Then I heard a voice.

"Soon we'll be together, my child."

His voice.

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