Episode 12

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Prophet and Loss

Sam: You know, Dean, you don't have to act like what you're planning to do is business as usual. I- I know you're scared.

Dean: Never said I wasn't scared. But it doesn't matter.

Sam: Doesn't matter? Dean, we know we could die, uh, doing what we do. It's always a possibility. But what you're talking about is far worse than death. Michael's an archangel. He could literally keep you buried, in a coffin, alive forever.

Castiel: I- I did as you asked. I've- I've looked for any possible way to forcibly extract Michael and destroy him. But so far, nothing.

Sam: And what about Rowena?

Castiel: She went through the entire Book of the Damned and found nothing. And I told her to do it again, see if she missed something, and, uh... well, the woman has a remarkable command of profanity.

Dean: I know I wasn't always the greatest brother to you.

Sam: Dean, you were the one who was always there for me. The only one. I mean, you practically raised me.

Dean: I know things got dicey... you know, with Dad... the way he was. And I just... I didn't always look out for you the way I should've. I mean, I had my own stuff, you know. In order to keep the peace, probably looked like I took his side quite a bit. Sometimes, when I was... when I was away, you know it wasn't 'cause I just ran out, right? Dad would... He would send me away when I really pissed him off. I think you knew that.

Sam: Man, I left that behind a long time ago. I had to. And if we're gonna get through this, I- I have to do like you said and... try and keep my mind off where we're going. So if we could not have conversations that sound like... deathbed apologies, I would really appreciate it.

Castiel: The natural order's been upset. Perhaps Donatello's state has created a prophet who's not only premature... but malformed.

Sam: Okay. But if Tony was wired wrong because of Donatello, then the next prophet will be wired wrong, as well, and then the next, and the next and the- the next and... How do we end this?

Dean: You know how.

Sarah: My unfinished business isn't just about how I died, Nick. It's you. I was here that night. I saw what he did to you. I... You chose Lucifer. You wanted him. You... You still do.

Nick: He chose me, okay.

Sarah: You didn't come here to find peace. You came here to find him in the place you became one with him.

Nick: No.

Sarah: Then show me I'm wrong. Reject Lucifer right now. If you do, I can leave. I can find peace. Reject him, Nick. Please. Please!

Nick: I- I can't. I'm sorry.

Sarah: You can't. Because you are him. You doomed me to stay in this place forever. You've doomed yourself.

Dean: Cas... if you were a friend of mine, then you will understand that I have to do this and you won't try to stop me. You think this is easy on me? It has to be done.

Castiel: Donatello's mind is fighting to rebuild. It's- It's like he's trying to organize his his memories, the words of God.

Dean: So that's what Tony was picking up on.

Castiel: Well, then, I- I can fix him.

Dean: Wait. How? I thought he was too far gone.

Castiel: Dean, if there's a spark, a hope, then I have to try. You taught me that.

Dean: He is back, isn't he? I mean, this isn't some kind of evil, weird version?

Castiel: No. This is the- the regular him. But, um... he- he- he doesn't have a soul.

Dean: Hm. Well, nobody's perfect.

Dean: Well, I would call this a win. Kind of nice. We're going out on a high.

Sam: 'Going out' being the operative phrase.

Dean: Sorry.

Sam: 'Sorry.' How sorry are you? Sorry that you fight to keep Donatello alive, but when it comes to you, you just throw in the towel? Or are you sorry that, after all these years, our entire lives, a-after I've looked up to you, after I've learned from you. I-I-I've copied you, I followed you to Hell and back, are you sorry that all of that- it- it- it means nothing now?

Dean: Who's saying that?

Sam: You are, when you tell me I have to kill you. When you're telling me I have to throw away everything we stand for, throw away faith, throw away family. We're the guys that save the world. We don't just check out of it!

Dean: Sam, I have tried everything. Everything! I got one card left to pay, and I have to play it.

Sam: You have one card today! But we'll find another tomorrow. But if you quit on us today, there won't be no tomorrow! You tell me, uh, you don't know what else to do. I don't either, Dean. Not yet. But what you're doing now, i- it's- it's wrong! It's quitting! I mean l- look what just happened. Donatello never quit fighting. So we could help him because he never gave up. I believe in us, Dean. I believe in us. Why don't you believe in us, too?

Dean: Okay, Sam. Let's go home.

Dean: Maybe Billie's wrong. Maybe. But I do believe in us. I believe in all of us. And I'll keep believing until I can't. Until there is absolutely no other way. But when that day comes, if that day comes... Sam, you have to take it for what it is, the end. And you have to promise me that you'll do then what you can't do now, and that's let me go. And put me in that box. You, too.

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