Episode 3

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The Scar

Dean: Hey, if you're gonna ask if I'm okay, you don't have to.

Sam: All right. It's just, uh, you know, you didn't talk a whole lot on the ride here.

Dean: Look, Michael bailed, all right? I don't know how. I don't know why. He just- He just cleared out. And as far as my memory goes, I mean, everything from the second I said yes to the moment I walked through those doors is blank, so I'm good. I'm just really, really happy to be... home.  

Sam: Come on, man. This isn't a joke. Something huge happened, and you won't really even talk about it. But this whole Michael thing, we need to deal with it.

Dean: Okay, I'm literally going 80 to deal with it. How can I be running from something when I'm racing towards it?

Sam: I don't know. Kinda your thing.

Dean: Okay.

Sam: Okay, look, I'm just saying... you said you let Michael in, then, bang you're back in a blink. But for me... you were gone for weeks. I didn't know if you were alive. I... I just need you to talk to me, to slow down so I can catch up.  

Jody: How'd you do it?

Dean: What, me versus some assbag archangel, who would you take?

Jody: You, every time.  

Dean: We'd make better time if we split up.

Sam: Uh- uh, Dean, w- we'll be safer if we stick together.

Jody: Yeah, if I get a vote, I'm Team Stick Together.  

Jody: I promised Claire human cases are mine, but anything monster-y, I'd loop her in. But this... Aw. Claire's been doing so good, and, I mean, anything connected to Kaia, she's a powder keg.

Sam: Hm.

Jody: First love strikes quick, and to lose it like that...  

Dark Kaia: You're no different than him -- threats, violence, anything to get what you want.

Dean: I am nothing like him.

Dark Kaia: Yeah, you are. You always have been.  

Dark Kaia: I know where it comes from, your anger, your impatience. It's fear. You're scared. And you're weak.

Dean: All right. Shut up.

Dark Kaia: Michael hurt you. He hurt me too.  

Michael: I didn't come here to fight. Not if I don't have to. This face you know, but I'm just borrowing it. We haven't met. But I've sensed you ever since I came to this world. You're like me. You bleed new energy. So does that. I'm here to make you an offer. There's a war coming, and I'm building an army. You can join my side, the winning side, if you give me that spear. Or you can fight, definitely lose, probably die, and then I'll just take it. So, Wild One... what's it gonna be?  

Sam: You all right?

Jody: It's just, you know, seeing her face again. Raising three hunters and fearing every day that I might lose one of them... Didn't really even get a chance to know Kaia before she di- I just feel like I already lost before I ever even began.  

Castiel: Well... what you did today, you just made me so proud. You know, learning to hold your own in a fight without your powers, that takes time and- and training, but today, you- you proved that you have the mind of a hunter and the heart of a hunter. I was thinking, um... I mean I'll talk to Sam and Dean, but, um, I thought maybe- maybe we could go on a hunting trip. I mean, If you want to.  

Dean: You know, I said yes to him because I thought... It was stupid. I was stupid.

Sam: Dean... you did what you had to do.

Dean: And it wasn't a blink, being possessed. I make it sound like that, but it wasn't. I don't remember most of what Michael did with me because I was underwater, drowning, and that I remember. I felt every second of it, clawing, fighting for air. I thought I could make it out, but I- I... I couldn't. I wasn't strong enough. And now he's gone and he's out there putting an army of monsters together and he's hurting people. And its all on me, man. I said yes. It's my fault.  

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