Ex's, Fame and Brusies

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Mia's POV

I woke up to see Matt staring at me. "Good morning to you to." I said. I yawned at sat up. "Fuck." I say. "What?" Says Matt sitting next to me. "I forgot Cameron is coming today." I said. I started to freak out because I knew what he was capable of. "You'll be fine." Said Matt standing up. "Breakfast?" "Sure." I said. Cameron called my phone but I ignored it. "You know I felt like this is a normal thing now." Said Matt. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You know.

Like sleepovers." "Whatever Matt." He chuckled. He made grilled cheese sandwiches. I went on twitter. "Hey do you have a twitter Matt?" I asked. "Ya." He told me his twitter. I followed him. I saw pictures of him with girls.

Not just any girls but fans. "So the bad boy is famous?" I ask. "We'll kind of. Off of vine though." He said serving me a grilled cheese sandwich. "Omg can I get a picture please!" I yelled pretending to fan girl. "Oh whatever Mia." He said. "So what's the fame life like? Do you go on tours?" I ask. "Ya. I do. With other boys too." "With who?" "Jack Gilinsky,Jack Johnson,Shawn Mendes,Carter Reynolds,Taylor Caniff,Aaron Carpenter, Nash Grier and lastly um..Cameron Dallas." He says. I ignored Cameron's name. "Don't Nash and Jack and Jack go to school with us?" "Ya they do." Said Matt. "That's cool. When's your next tour?" I ask. (A/N: I know what happened to Magcon so don't go all BS on me.) "In a couple months." He said. "Oh." "So I'm friends with a famous bad boy?" I asked laughing. "Yup. Get used to it." He said dusting off his shoulders. "Okay." I say sarcastic. "I should probably go with my parents." I say finishing my sand which. "Okay." I got up and thanked him. "See you at school?" He asked me. "Ya. See ya." I say. I walked outside but fall because I bumped into someone. "Hello beautiful." I looked up and saw Cameron staring down at me with a evil grin.

Matt's POV

It's been about 3 hours since Mia left. I can't stop thinking about her. I then got a text from Mia.

Mia💕:Help me please! SOS!

Me: Whats wrong

She doesn't answer for a while and I got nervous.

Mia💕:Watch this

She sent me a video. I clicked on it. It was Cameron. He was hurting her. He cupped her mouth and pushed her in the bed. "Stop!" She yelled. She kicked him right in the crotch. She got her phone and ran. "Matt please help me!" She said into the camera. Then the video ended. I got my car keys and drove to her house. She was outside. She saw my car and ran over to me. "Matt help me please!" She said. "Where is he?!" I yelled. "Don't hurt him it will jut ruin your fame." She said. "I don't give a fuck about the fame! Where is he?!" I said again. Just then Cameron came out. "Hey Matthew." He said. I walked up to him. "Don't fucking touch her again." I yelled. I have him a punch. He punched me back. We went at it until he gave up. "Leave! And don't ever come back!" I yelled. He got into his car and left. Mia came up to me and dragged me inside. "Sit." She said. I sat on her couch. She went to the bathroom and came back with a cloth. "Matt. You can't into fights like this all the time." She said. She put the cloth on my cheek were the bruise was. I t hurt so I had the reflection to hold it. Instead of holding my bruise I held Mia's hand. "Sorry." I said. "It's okay." She said. She got up and put the cloth in the sink. "Want to watch a movie?" She asked. "Sure." I said. We decided on the purge and turned off the lights. She laid down on the couch while I awkwardly sat there. She put her head in my lap and I played with her hair. When the movie was finished she was asleep. I placed her head on the couch. I kissed her forehead then left.

*Next Morning*

Mia's POV

I woke up at 7:00. I had plenty of time to get ready. I went to take a shower. Once I was out I wore some denim washed skinny jeans and a black shirt. I ate some cereal then headed outside. I arrived at school and saw Matt all over some girl. I didn't really care though. I mean he is cute and funny and...wait what? "What the hell?" I say to myself. I was so focused on my own thoughts I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a pair if icy blue eyes. "Sorry." I said. "It's alright." He said. "I'm Nash by the way." He said sticking his hand out. "I'm Mia." I said shaking his hand. "We'll Mia, here's my number. Call me sometime." He said. "Thanks and I will." I said. He walked away and just then Matt came in. "What the hell did Nash want?" He asked angrily. "What did the girl outside want?" I said back. "Hey she's just a girl." "And he's just a guy. See ya Matthew." I say walking to first period.

After School

I decided to call Nash. "Hey." He said. "Hi Nash it's Mia." "Right. Hallway girl." He said. "Ya that's me." I said we talked for hours and hours. "I have to go but I'll see you Tomorrow." I said. "Wait! Would you want to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" He said. "Sure. Where?" I said. "This fancy Italian restaurant so dress fancy." He said. "I will." I said. I hung up and wondered what would happen tomorrow.


What did y'all think of Cameron. Him the bad guy? No way in a million years. Anyways loves ya all!

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