Morning Call,Ravolies and Party Crashers

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Nash called me at 4:00 in the morning. "Nash? What the hell?" I said. After a while he didn't answer but instead played a song. It was Ed Sheeran's Kiss Me. "Nash?" I said. He hung up. What the hell? I thought to myself. I went back to sleep and decide to ask him tomorrow.

I woke up with a headache. Probably for waking up at 4 am. I took some Tylenol and got dressed. I wore my leggings and sweeter with my black combat boots. I let my hair down. I walked downstairs and grabbed a peach. I walked outside and saw Matt sitting in his car,windows down,on his phone. He saw me and turned his phone off. He got out his car. "Hey." He said. "Hi." I said. "Drive me to school?" I said. "That's why I came." He said and laughed. "Right." I said. We drove to school in silence. We got to school and people were gossiping about something. "What's going on?" I asked. "I don't know." He said. There was a crowd of boys surrounding a girl. She was pretty. Matt couldn't stop staring. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Are you coming Matt?" I asked. "Ya in a bit hold up." He said. After about ten minutes he finally came. "I got her number." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Haha oh why don't you invite her over for a sleepover too." I say walking away.

I didn't talk to Matthew that much today. He kept asking me what's wrong. I just either said nothing or ignored him. After school,Nash came up to me. "Hello Beautiful." He said hugging me. "Hi." I said. "So I'll pick you up at 6:00 okay?" He asked. "Ya that's okay." I said. "Alright I'll see you later." I said saying by to him. I walked home instead of getting a ride from Matt. Once I got home I hopped in the shower. I then wore my blue strapless dress with a sweet heart neckline. I put on my black flats and once my hair dried I wanded it. The curls came out perfect. I walked downstairs. I had my clutch and put my phone in there. Just then the doorbell rang. I don't know why but I was nervous. I answered the door and Nash was in a tuxedo. "Hi." "Hi." "You look...beautiful." He said. "Thank you. You look amazing Nash." He blushed. He held out his hand and said,"Shall we." I smiled. "We shall." I said. He walked me out to the car and opened up my side. "Thanks." I said. We drove to the place we were eating. Nash told them we had reservations. We sat down and ordered. We both got raviolis. "So,Mia, I hardly know anything about you. Tell me about yourself." He said. "Well,there's not really much to it. I have a little sister and her name is Kylie and my parents-" "No, I'm mean your hobbies,passions,greatest desire." "My greatest desire?" I ask. I think. For a while until it finally hits me. "My greatest desire is to go to Hawaii. Well I want to go everywhere. You" I said. "Interesting,now your hobbies?" He asked. "Uh mostly softball and soccer." I say sipping my water. He looked at me for a while. "Your so beautiful." He said. I blushed. "Thanks." I said. "After here let's go to a hotel and crash a party?" He asked me. "Sounds like a plan." I said. The food came and it was delicious. Nash paid and I thanked him. He drove up to a really fancy hotel in town. "Wow Nash." I said. "Come on. Time to ruin a wedding." He said. I laughed. We walked in and everyone looked at us. We just waved and smiled. We got a room for the night. We went up to our room for a bit to check it out then left to go check out the wedding. We found it and sat at a table. We ate cake until the bride noticed us. "They are not part of my family! Get them out!" She yelled. Two huge guys came running towards us. We got up and ran back to out room. Once we were in the elevator we we laughing so hard. The elevator stopped and when the doors opened we saw Matthew and the girl from school. "Mia." Said Matt. Nash protectively wrapped his arm around my waist. Seeing him with this girl made me furious. It's like not even 4 days ago did I want anything to do with him and now I just want him. It's like I got to have him. "Mia. You look beautiful." He said. I only looked at him. I didn't say anything. Me and Nash walked out. "Who is that?" I heard the girl say. "That is my best friend." I heard Matthew say. "And she always will be."

The next morning Nash wasn't in the bed next to me. Woah! Hold up! We didn't do anything like that ok. I heard the bathroom door unlock and Nash came out. His hair was wet. He was wearing a Nirvana Shirt and khakis. He looked good. "Morning Beautiful." He says. "Good Morning." I say back. I looked at the time. It was 10:30. "Oh my god. Uh I should probably get back. I realized I was still in my dress from last night. "Hey. Where's you get those clothes?" I asked. He pointed to his backpack. "Oh." I said. "Here we should get going." He said helping me up." We walked out into the parking lot and drove back home. We passed by the restaurant we ate at yesterday. I smiled at the thought of last night. We finally arrived at my house and my parents car was home. "Uh oh." I said. "You okay?" Asked Nash. "My parents are home. I have to go." I said. I opened the door and before I stepped out I kissed Nash on the cheek. "Thank you." I said to him. He smiled and said bye. I walked up to my door and saw my parents sitting down at the table. "Where have you been young lady?!" My mom yelled. "I went on a date." I said smiling a little bit. "Oh honey." My mom said hugging me. "You guys are all better?" I asked them. "Yup we are fully recovered." My mom said. "Where is Kylie?" My dad asked. "She's with Emily,the babysitter." I said. "I can go pick her up if you want just let me change." I said heading up stairs. I changed into my white high-waisted shorts and my He is We muscle tank.(A/N:He is we is a band. Look em up!) I put my hair in a high ponytail so my curls were in a long ponytail. I put on my converse and walked downstairs. "I'll be right back!" I said. I walked out to my car and to Emily's. Once I picked up Kylie I took her for frozen yogurt since I haven't seen her in so long. I got cake batter and Kylie got root beer float. We sat outside and ate. "So how was Emily's?" I asked. "It was gum. We made play dough and brackets and we watched frozen a lot of times!" She said excitedly. We drove back to the house and when I got there I saw we had new neighbors. "Mom we have new neighbors." I said. "Oh that's nice sweetie,why don't you go over and invite them over for dinner around 6." She said. "K." Was all I said. I walked out and rang on the doorbell. A girl around 20 opened the door. "Hi." She said. "Hi. Uh I'm Mia rose and I guess we're neighbors. We would love to have you and your family over for dinner tonight. Around six if its possible." I said. She smiled. "Okay. Hold on let me call my daughter over to meet you. Lexi! Come down here." She said. Once she arrived I saw who it was. It was the girl from school. The girl I envy. The girl that has Matt wrapped around her finger. The girls name is Lexi.


Hey guys! So I know I haven't updated in so long but I had writers block so I'm sorry but I hoped you liked this chapter! Till next time!

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