Hospital Visits and Nash

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When I got home I ran upstairs clenching the piece of paper Leo had given me. I sat on my bed looking at the number. "Maybe later." I told myself. I paced back and forth when there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said putting the piece of paper behind my back. Nash came in with a rose in his hand. "Hey. I heard what happened. If you want I will go over there and-." "Nash, it's okay. Thank you." I say chuckling. He sits on my bed and looks at a picture of me and Kylie. "You guys are so cute. I mean you mostly." He says. I laugh and sit next to him. "I love you." He said out of no where. "Nash." I said and stood up. "Why do you have your fist clenched up?" He said. "Nothing." I said. He walks over to me and tried to take it out of my hand. "Let go Nash." He yanked my hand harder and harder. "Damn it Mia let go!" He yelled and I felt his hand hit my cheek. I stood there in shock. "Mia I'm-" "Get out." "No wait Mia." "I said get out!" I yelled fighting back tears. He started to cry and left.

He slapped me. Nash slapped me. I sat on my bed and silently let tears spill out. Matt then called me. "H-hello?" I sniffled. "Mia I'm sorry for snapping at you and-wait are you crying?" He said. "I was I'm fine." I said. "What happened." "Do you want to come over." I asked him. "Yes." With that he hung up. In about 10 minutes the doorbell rang. "Hey." I said. "What happened? Why were you crying? Your cheek has a bruise. What happened?!" He asked throwing questions everywhere. "Nash may have slapped me." I said. "What?! When I find that bastard-." "No Matt don't." I said taking hold of his arm. That seemed to stop him from leaving. "Can we just act like it never happened?" I said. He nodded and we sat in the couch. "Do you want to go out to? Like for lunch?" He asked. "Sure. Just let me get a jacket." I said and ran upstairs.

We arrived at this little deli. I ordered a sandwich and he got a Philly cheesesteak. We ate talking about school and such. Just then my stomach started hurting. "Can we go I don't feel so good." I said. "Sure." I stood up but felt dizzy and I was about to fall I took a hold of the table. "You okay?" Asked Matt. I nodded. "Let's go." I said I started to walk but felt dizzy. "Matt I don't-." I was cut off by falling to the ground. "Woah! Someone call 911!" I heard Matt yell. The last thing I remember is hearing Matt say, "Your going to be okay Mia."

Matt's POV

We've been in the hospital for a whole day and Mia still hasn't woken up. The doctor said she got food poisoning. I feel bad for taking her to that deli. If she was here right now she'd probably talk about how it's 'not my fault' and such. I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for Mia's parents to show up. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mia's name. "Are you sure its her?" I saw a boy ask. "Uh I'm sorry but what about Mia Rose." I said. "Do you know her?" The boy asked. I nodded. "I'm her friend. Is she alright?" "Yea. She's fine." I said annoyed. "Okay. Tell me when she wakes up." "Why would I do that?" I asked. "I just want to know if she's-." "She's fine. She just needs to be with me." I said. "Are you guys dating?" He asked. I saw a look on his face that said, 'please don't be together'. "Yes. We are." I said. I knew that Mia would kill me for this. But I didn't want her with any other guy. "Oh. Sorry man." He said and walked away in his crutches. I sat down and put my head in my hands.

Mia's Parents showed up. "You." Her dad said pointing to me. "What happened to my daughter?!" He said walking over to me. "She only got food poisoning." "I don't want you to see her anymore. At all.!" I was shocked my mouth was hanging open. "Sir, please your daughter means so-." "I don't care leave! If she asks. Tell her you don't want to be her friend anymore!" He said. I walked out the hospital. This would have never happened if she wasn't crying because of-Nash. That bastards going to get it.

I knocked on Nash's door. He answered with his eyes bloodshot. "You. You slapped Mia! Why the hell?" I yelled. "I-I didn't mean to!" He said. "Liar!" I swung and my fist hit his cheek. We were going back and forth. Soon Hayes came down. "Guys stop!" He yelled breaking up the fight. "Really? You two are fighting over something ridiculous!" He yelled. "I'm not. I can't even see her anymore but you do. And I'm not the one that hit her." I said to Nash and walked out.

I got a call from Mia. I answered in Panic. "Hel-." "Matt! I know what my dad said to you but please don't listen to him. This isn't your fault okay. Just please don't stop being my friend. Please." She said. I sighed. "Mia. I can't just not listen to your dad. He's your dad." "Yes you can!" She argued back. "Mia, you can't disobey me young lady." I heard her dad on the other line. "Leave me alone dad. The only person hurting me is you!"

Mia and her dad shouted for a while until I heard a slap. "Mia? Are you Okay?" I asked. "Mia, sweetheart, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-." "I hate you dad! You never helped me and your always standing in the way. I never want to talk to you ever again." I heard her say. I herd a door slam then cars and horns. "Matt? Where are you?" She asked.
So here's a new chapter! Hope you liked it.

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