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Three little white lines, laid out across the dining table. Two for Michael and one for Luke, because Michael needed it more.

Luke didn't argue, no sense in fighting a battle he was destined to lose.

The green haired boy bit his lip, studying the pretty little lines. Rolling the hollow pen shell between his fingers, he smirked. The feeling wasn't terrible, but it surely wasn't amazing. Snorting cocaine was something the pair had been accustomed to, they had been doing it for months.

Michael rubbed his nose, taking a deep breath in through his nostrils, "Go on, Lukey. Your turn."

He handed the pen shell over, excessively wiping his nose as snot ran down.

Luke smiled, lining an end of the shell up with the white substance, the other to his nose. Plugging his other nostril, he sucked in a breath. All through his nose, like a professional.

He handed the shell back to Michael so he could finish his second line before standing up and wobbling over to the bed. The motel room they had rented out for the night was small, very small, but it was all they needed. The pair were used to motels by now, they often lived in them for weeks at a time. But Luke could never get over how disgusting he felt sleeping in the worn out beds. People had sex on this bed. People he didn't even know.

"Michael, get me a bottle of Perks, would you?"

Michael rubbed his nose as he made his way over to Luke's suitcase.

"Have you got another headache, mate?"

Luke smirked, "Yeah, somethin' like that."

Michael knew why Luke wanted the pills. He had heard the same complaint every time they stayed somewhere new. Luke was a clean freak, always worried about keeping things tidy and safe. Which may have been why he avoided needles. He refused to inject anything into his body. Aside from the few tattoos he had littered across his skin. Luke swallowed a few pills, not even needing water to ease them down.

"Michael, I'm spent. Can't even take my jeans off."

Luke giggled, fumbling helplessly with his button.

"Can you do anything yourself?" Michael questioned, helping the younger boy remove his tight jeans,"I'm not your father."

"No, but you call me daddy."

The older boy smirked, leaning to tower over the boy on the bed. His hands resting on either side of the blond's head as he straddled his waist.

"All we seem to do is talk about sex," Michael noted, leaning down to attach his chapped lips to Luke's.

Luke hummed, "Mikey...."

Michael didn't reply. His lips moved swiftly down the blond's neck, kissing every inch of his pale skin.

"Michael," Luke whined,"M' not trying to stop you, love. But if we're gonna do anything, we might as well just fuck."

And so they did.

Sloppy but doing the job, the drugs effecting their every move.

That was the way it was for them.

They would get high off of the drugs, fuck, and then lie awake and question every aspect of life.

It wasn't how they intended for things to be, they just were.

And as long as they were together, they didn't care.


Did anyone catch the The 1975 reference in this chapter? It was intentional. A lot of scenes in this book will be based upon songs by The 1975. They are pure genius. Musical icons. And I am in love.

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