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When the pair cross the threshold of their motel room, Michael sighs and drops his shopping bags to the floor. He kicks off his shoes and yawns, making his way over to the bed.

Pulling back the duvet, he says, "Lukey, I'm so tired."

And Luke assumes Michael is ready for a nap. But its already evening and Luke knows that if Michael sleeps now, he'll be awake in the night.

"You can't go to bed yet, baby," Luke coos, sitting on the edge of the bed, "You'll be up all night if you do."

Michael pouts, pulling his tight jeans from his legs, complaining he is uncomfortable. But Luke just knows the boy is fussy. Like a child on the verge of a tantrum.

"Come on, we'll order that Chinese takeaway you like and eat on the balcony."

Michael likes this idea, so he agrees, standing from the bed to stretch his tired muscles. Luke can't help but to notice how skinny the boy has become. His ribs sticking out, his belly flat. But Luke's eyes trail a little to far and he's soon licking his lips. Michael's bulge apparent in his tight boxer briefs.

Luke stands, moving in front of the now red headed boy, and runs his hands down his chest. Michael shudders, his skin electrifying under Luke's touch. Luke leans in, pressing a gentle kiss just below Michael's ear.

"You are so beautiful," he whispers, his finger tips gliding over the other's hipbones.

Michael gulps, swallowing his breath a little too noticeably.

Luke smirks, pressing kisses down Michael's neck. Softly nipping at the sensitive skin. It had been almost a week since Luke had touched his lover in such a way, causing both boys to shudder at every touch.

"I wanna make you feel so good, Mikey," Luke purred, "But I don't want tonight to be about sex. Its just you and me against the world, baby."

Michael let out a soft whine, nodding his head as his eyes met Luke's. It takes all of Luke's self control to tear himself away and across the room to the phone. He orders all of Michael's favorites, knowing the sleepy boy will be pleased.

Luke pulls the duvet and pillows from the bed, carrying them swiftly onto the balcony as Michael fidgets with his new tunnels in front of the mirror.

Luke sets up a small bed on the balcony, bringing out the candles Michael insisted on buying. They smelled of cupcakes and birthday cake, Michael's favorite.

"Food is here!" Michael calls from the room, rushing for the door.

Luke pays the delivery man, thanking him one too many times. Michael just laughs and ushers the boy out to the balcony. Michael had quickly slipped on a tank top, which was a tad too big for him, and hung from his frame. Luke wonders if at one time it was the right size.

The pair sit on the duvet, clad in tank tops and tight boxer briefs, munching on their takeaways. The Vegas lights illuminate their view, lighting the city before them.

Michael had grown fond of the city, wishing the pair could stay forever. But he knew their stay was only temporary. Luke never kept them in the same place for very long. They had already overstayed their welcome here.

Michael set his box down and leaned into Luke's shoulder. Willing the thoughts away. He didn't want to think of where they would go next. He wanted to stay there, in that moment, with Luke forever.

"What are you thinking about?" Luke questioned in a whisper, adverting his attention to the boy sat beside him.

Michael sighed, "Just wondering where we'll go after this."

Luke hadn't taken it into consideration before. He had no intention of leaving the city anytime soon. But apparently, Michael did.

"Where do you want to go from here?" Luke added, "Anywhere you want. I'll take you there."

Michael thought for a moment, weighing his options. He could go anywhere.

"I've heard Hawaii is nice this time of year," Michael states simply.

Luke just smirked, leaning over to kiss the boy flush on his lips.

That night, the two make love on the balcony, under the Vegas lights. Whispering i love you again and again.

The next morning, Michael flushes his weight loss pills down the drain.

That afternoon, Michael watches the city as their car drives away. Leaving behind all the negative thoughts, only carrying with him the times he and Luke shared.

And as they board the plane for the flight to Hawaii two days later, Michael watches the world below grow smaller and smaller. His worries left behind as he takes Luke's hand in his own.

"I love you so much, Luke," He smiles, "For always, forever."


So, that's it. This is the end. And it feels like a piece of me is leaving. My heart hurts because I have fallen so in love with this story and with Michael and Luke.

Thank you to everyone who has been there with me through this whole process. I love you all so much and all these reads and votes mean so very much to me.

I'm not promising a sequel because I'm not sure I can bring myself to write one. But it is a possibility.

Thank you again for all the support.

Love Always,

Nevada, Luke & Michael.

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