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The pills seemed to go down easier with each passing day. But now, there were more. Dozens of colorful pills laid out in pretty patterns across the coffee table.

Michael is allowed to look, but he was instructed not to touch.

He was content with that. He had his own pills to touch. They weren't as pretty as Luke's, but they were still nice. And he set them out on display, claiming he just wanted to look. His collection wasn't as big as the other boy's, but his pills served different jobs.

Michael had his weight loss pills to the right, his anxiety pills to the left, and all of the pain killers in the center. Those were his favorite.

"I have a meeting tonight with a client," Luke piped up, "It's very important that I go alone."

Michael didn't like being left behind. But he had grown used to it, it was rare that Luke ever let Michael tag along.

"It's a different kind of deal. I don't think it's safe for you to go."

Michael internally questioned if any of Luke's deals could be rendered safe. Michael stood, padded over to where Luke was perched in the arm chair, and plopped into his lap. He buried his face in the crook of the blond's neck, nuzzling contently into it.

"I love you," Michael whispered

Luke kissed the boy's temple, "I love you too."

× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×

The Gentleman's Club was not as extraordinary as the title led on. It wasn't terrible, Luke thought, but it wasn't spectacular.

He was in search of a man named Ashton, whom worked as a dancer at the club. Surely, it wasn't hard to find his client, as he was on the small stage, grinding against a metal pole. Luke took a mental note to never bring Michael here, he would hate it.

Luke took a seat on a black leather couch, watching Ashton's performance with little interest. He was good at his occupation. He had a fit body, which Luke found himself staring at for a little too long. And messy brown curls on top of his head. They flowed in just the right way. And sometimes, messy was sexy.

Ashton finished his performance, collected the cash from the stage and marched off. Only to reappear in front of Luke minutes later.

"If my boss finds out what I'm doing, I'm going to get canned. So, if you'll follow me to a private room, we can talk," Ashton meant businesses.

Luke nodded, stood, and accepted Ashton's hand as he led him off into the back.

"We use these rooms for private dances. Although I'm sure most workers blow their clients rather than dry hump them."

Ashton closed the door behind him and flipped the switch. A deep red glow emitted from the bulbs. The room was decorated entirely in black and red. The chair in the center of the room was leather, the walls covered in red drapes.

It looked like a Playboy Playroom.

Ashton pushed Luke down into the chair, moving to straddle his waist.

"I-i thought we had a deal to make," Luke stammered as Ashton ground his hips forward.

"We do, but we ought to put the room to use, yeah?"

Ashton hastily attached his mouth to Luke's neck, licking and sucking at the flesh.

And Luke was moaning.

Knotting his fingers in Ashton's loose curls.

Luke wished he could blame his actions on the drugs, but he was sober.

"So, how much did you bring?"Ashton questioned, nipping playfully at Luke's collarbone

"A-ah, all you asked for. T-there's like thirty stamp bags."

Luke couldn't understand why he was feeling such a way. His body felt white hot, his skin electrifying with each touch.

"Y-you really ought-t to stop that," Luke choked out, "M' gonna fuckin' cum if y-you don't."

Ashton was pleased with Luke's statement, which earned him another rotation of Ashton's hips. Luke gripped his hips, likely leaving marks, and threw his head back. He was a panting, moaning mess.

Ashton bit down on Luke's spot in the same instant he ground his hips down. And Luke lost all control.


Ashton smirked, removing himself from the blond's lap and standing before him. Luke struggled to catch his breath, an obvious wet spot on the front of his jeans.

"I didn't even have to touch you, Luke. Imagine what I could do to you..."

And Luke knew he was in deep shit.


I am so sorry for this.

But it is so important to the plot.

Can we at least laugh at the fact that Ash is a stripper?

Or are we all mad at me?

Where do you think the plot is headed?

COMMENT HERE and let me know!

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