Bakugou is a makeup artist and has a YouTube channel
He meats kirishima and his friends when he was going to get some new makeup
And that is all I am going to say because I would go into spoilers if I carry on
"Hey Kiri I have a good idea" Mina said "what is it" I asked "let's go shopping for makeup" she said "yeah" I said as I grabbed my phone and wallet I quickly took a selfie to send to both of my dads and Mina and I walked down the stairs. We got on our shoes and I shouted to my dad "Mina and I are going out for a bit" it took a few seconds to hear a reply "ok don't be too long be back before 7 please" he shouted back "ok dad I'll be back soon bye" I shouted before we left the house.
~time skip brought to you by kirishima's gayness~
When we got to the makeup store we headed over to the primer, we then get the foundation and so on until we get everything I need including the brushes sand beauty blender when we went over to the counter to pay we spot bakugou so we went slowly towards him but when we got half way to him we spotted kaminari and he spots us. We know he spotted us because he ducked and tried to hide from us when he entered the shop so we decided to walk over to him. "Hey kami" Mina says "hey Mina, hey Kiri " he says awkwardly tubing the back of his neck "hi kami what are you doing here" I asked "i could ask you the same question" he said obviously avoiding the question "kami i know you are avoiding the question and i am here because i want to have a change so i thourght that this was a good start along with my outfit" i said "i am here for makeup because i have run out and need to stock up" he said "you wear makeup since when" mina said "i have been doing my makeup for years now mina" he said "whait what" she said "i dont wear much but i do wear it everyday" he said "you seriously didnt know mina even i know" i said "yeah i didnt it wasnt obvious" she said " anyway we will go to leave you to do what you doing bye kami" I said "bye Mina bye Kiri"he said and we walked away to go and pay. Once we had payed we went to Bakugou "hey bakugou im kirishima-xoxo on instagram" I blurted out "ok obviously you know me and it is good to finally meet you" he said "I knew you were hot but not this hot" I said "thanks you are also quite hot" he said and I blushed and hid my face from him and Mina "is this your friend"he asked "yes this is Mina" I say smiling "why did you ask me to do the video on how to do your own makeup because you are really good at it" he asked "this is actually my first time doing my own makeup"I say "your first time like you aren't even lying" he says in a surprised tone "yeah is it that good" I ask "yes it is that good it looks like a professional makeup artist did your makeup for you" he said "thanks" I said "how long did it take" he asked " it took me around 40 minutes" I said and he looked even more surprised "it takes me at least 1hour to do my makeup and most of the time it doesn't look half as good as what you have done" he said and we carried on the convocation for about half an hour and Mina got bored and asked if we could leave so we said our good byes and walked away and she went home and I went home after I dropped her off at her place.
When I got home I put all of the makeup we brought into a bag and put it on my desk.i then got onto my phone and went on a group chat with Mina,kami and sero on
Kiri: so Mina already knows this but I came out to my dads today
Kami: on what was there reaction
Kiri: they complimented my makeup
Sero: since when do you where makeup
Kiri: since today
Sero: let me see it
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Sero: that looks amazing and your hair isn't spiked today
Kiri: I couldn't be bothered so I just put it in a ponytail and plus my hair is getting very long now so it gets hard to spike
Sero: how long exactly
Kiri: I took this image yesterday
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Sero: so that is why you haven't been spiking your hair recently
Kiri: I'm thinking about growing it out
Kami: it already has grown out but yeah I agree you should