Bakugou is a makeup artist and has a YouTube channel
He meats kirishima and his friends when he was going to get some new makeup
And that is all I am going to say because I would go into spoilers if I carry on
Kirishima PoV When we landed we got off the airplane and went to collect our bags. After that I spotted Mina who was wearing this including the makeup
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Mina then spotted us and ran over to us "hey gays, I mean guys" she said "no you didn't" I say giggling "your right, anyway i am here to puck you upand take you to one of your houses" she says "ei's please" kat says "fine by me" i say "why dont you want to go to yours bakugou" she asks "my parents are fucking ass holes" he replies "ok then" she says and we walk to her car
When we get to her car we put our bags in the boot and sit in the back next to each other "so what music do you like" she asks "give me the chord and I'll put on my playlist" I say and she hands me the aux chord and I plug it into my phone and pull up my playlist of panic at the disco fall out boy twenty one pilots and gay songs and click play. The first song that comes on is let's kill tonight by panic at the disco and we all scream the lyrics at the top of our lungs.after about 35 minutes of screaming lyrics to songs we arrive at my house. Mina stops and parks her car and we all get out of the car. We get our bags and knock on my door and the door opens "hey eijiro, hey Bakugou we were expecting you both and hello Mina thank you for bringing them back would you all like to come in" one of my dads say (hizashi) and we all went in " th-thank you" kat managed to say straining his voice "so Bakugou what should we call you katsuki or Bakugou because we saw your live stream with eijiro and we both except your relationship and we hope you will stay together forever"my other dad said "either I don't mind" he says still straining his voice slightly "have you all lost your voice" my dad says "yes" we all say straining our voice "what did you all do while you were in the car together" my other dad says then Bakugou gets out his phone and sends a video of us in the car to me to show my dads. After showing them the clips of us in the car they were a laughing mess they were literally rolling on the floor laughing there asses off pissing themselves. I then texted kat asking if he was going to put them on YouTube and he nodded his head and pecked me on the lips making me a blushing mess in front of my dads and Mina they all laughed at me. Then my dads pecked each other on the lips and none of them were a blushing mess "that's how you do it eijiro" my dad says "I'm going to my room before you start to tease me anymore because I know what you two are like" I say slowly gaining my voice back "oh before you do that your dad and I have made a few changes to your room now that you have come out and we were bored" my dad says "ok thanks dads" I say dragging kat and Mina to my room. I enter my room and am really happy with what I see (it looks like this with the rainbow curtains over the hidden window)
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