Bakugou is a makeup artist and has a YouTube channel
He meats kirishima and his friends when he was going to get some new makeup
And that is all I am going to say because I would go into spoilers if I carry on
~time skip to the morning of the video brought to you by kirishima and bakugou's gayness for each other~
I dont know whether to wear makeup or not so I dm bakugou
Kirishima-xoxo: should I wear makeup
Bakugou-katsuki: we are going to be filming a best friend does my makeup so no
Kirishima-xoxo: ok and why best friend we have only met once not to sound mean
Bakugou-katsuki: you are my only friend and I feel like I can open up to you about anything
Kirishima-xoxo: ok best friend it is then
Bakugou-katsuki: also don't wear anything that is too revealing or my parent will get angry
Kirishima-xoxo: ok but can I wear a crop top
Bakugou-katsuki: it depends how short it is
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Is this ok to wear
Bakugou-katsuki: yeah I am sure my parents would think it is acceptable
Kirishima-xoxo: ok how should I wear my hair
Bakugou-katsuki: Idk anything about hair do you have pictures of them
Kirishima-xoxo: yeah
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Bakugou-katsuki: I like number 4
Kirishima-xoxo: ok
Bakugou-katsuki: what time approximately would you get here
Kirishima-xoxo: I'll be there in around 30 minutes
Bakugou-katsuki: you would need to bring your makeup because your skin is darker than mine
Kirishima-xoxo: ok it is already in a bag
~time skip to when kirishima arrives at the bakugou household~
Bakugou PoV
I was setting up the camera when I heard a small knock on the door so I left my room and looked over the banister for the stairs to see that my mum had answered the door "hello is this where Bakugou lives" kirishima asked "yes it is I'll get him for you" she said politely before she screamed "katsuki get your ass down those stairs there is a young man here for you" "I can fucking see that old hag" I shouted back as I walked closer towards the door "hey kirishima" I said in a tone that my mum hasn't heard for a long time (it was a calm tone of voice) "hey Bakugou can I come in" he asked "yeah just ignore my parents they are idiots" I said back moving out of the way and leading him towards my room "we will be filming this video in my room because I can't be bothered to move everything" I said
Kirishima PoV
As I walked into his room I was very surprised because it had makeup everywhere it was like a makeup themed bedroom because of how much he has. He signalled me to come over to him and sit down on the chair against the wall with a desk and mirror with a camera in front of the chairs
Bakugou PoV
"Have you got everything for your makeup" I asked "yeah this is everything I own" he said and I looked at the big handbag styled bag full of makeup "ok as you can see all of my things are everywhere across my room it looks like it is messy but it is organised" "ok so what should I do" "give me your things and then you can look around and see what type of look you are going for on me" "ok so I think I know what look I am going for because I have already done that look before" he said as he gave me his bag and went to look for the things he is looking for "do you want me to show you where everything is" "no I should be fine but do you have any glitter" "yeah it should be in the corner over there" I said as I pointed to the left corner of my room opposite my bed "thanks"he said as he went over to the glitter. He soon finished finding everything he needs and putting it on the desk in front of the chairs. After that I started the video "hey motherfuckers as you can see today I am not alone and there is a good reason for that and that is because we are doing the best friend does my makeup challenge thing what ever the fuck it is because I have no other ideas and he is good at doing makeup. To start the challenge thing to see who goes first we will do Rock Paper Scissors." We do Rock Paper Scissors and I win "so I win which means that I will be doing his makeup first"
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(This it what it looks like but imagine it with red matte lipstick and red eyeshadow) "so now it is his turn to do my makeup" he does my makeup and it looks like this
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(Imagine this with a baby pink matte lipstick close to his skin colour) "Follow me on my instagram feel free to dm me anytime I will reply follow me on snapchat also to see the makeup looks before it is out on YouTube and if you haven't already fucking subscribe and turn on the notification bell all the links will be in the description below and see ya mother fuckers next week any way bye for now" After I said that I switched the camera off "thanks for filming a video with me in it" he said with a really big smile on his face "no problem since I met you like face to face I have wanted to make one with you and we should make them more it is really fun to film it" I said "thanks Bakugou and since I know where you live now we can make more of them"