The trip

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Kirishima PoV

It is the day we leave and I am so excited I have to text bakugou

Me: I am so excited

❤️katsuki❤️:same but are we meeting there or is one of our parents taking us

Me:I could ask my dads


Me:see ya soon

Me:they said that they can take us to the airport

❤️katsuki❤️:should I walk round to yours or are they picking me up

Me:they will pick you up

❤️katsuki❤️:what time will they be here

Me:half an hour

❤️katsuki❤️:ok see you in half an hour then


I got my things and put them in my dads car it took about 2 minutes to get it all in the car so I used the rest of the 15minutes to charge my phone and iPod for the airplane. The rest of the time I was making sure that I packed everything and the time quickly passed. Sooner than I realised it was time to get in the car to pick up kat- I mean bakugou.

In the car on our way to bakugou's house we were singing one of my dads screaming to panic at the disco and fall out boy we soon got to his house and both of my dads  kicked me out the door to collect him and help him with his bags. I walked up to his front door and knocked to my surprise it was his mother who opened the door not Bakugou but I heard him "move out of the fucking way old hag" he shouted and that reminds me I need to tell him to stop swearing. I grabbed one of his bags and he grabbed the other and we both made our way to the car "hey bakugou rememer not to swear around them please" I said quietly so they wouldn't hear me "sure" he said back also quietly. I put his bags into the boot of the car and we sat in the back "so bakugou do you have any music preference?" Hizashi asked (yes his fathers are hizashi and Aisawa) "I normally listen to panic at the disco or gay songs" bakugou answered "what do you mean gay songs" Aisawa asked "songs like gay or European or I'm not gay" bakugou answered "I have a mix of them sort of songs and panic at the disco I'll put it on" I said as I grabbed my fathers phone and the aux cord (I think that's what they are called) I unplugged his phone and plugged mine in and put on the mix the first song that went on was I'm not gay and one of my fathers screamed the lyrics (he is talking about hizashi) and bakugou and I just sang the lyrics my other father didn't know the lyrics so he just sat there joining in on the parts he knows but stopping on the parts he doesn't know. After a long but fun journey of 35minutes we eventually got to the airport and we got our things out of the boot.

I went to hug both of my dads "bye see you in a few days" I say "thanks for the ride"bakugou says and we both leave and wave to them and they wave back as we walk into the airport we check when our flight is leaving and it says it will start boarding in 1 hour no it just changed to 59 minutes so we have time to kill we disuse it would be a good idea to get McDonald's because bakugou hasn't eaten breakfast yet and it is 12pm. We get there and order our food and sit down at one of the tables and he gets his phone out to vlog the trip "I am going to America and kirishima is coming with me" bakugou said into the camera that was facing him I decide it would be a good idea to go behind him and make this face into the camera

 We get there and order our food and sit down at one of the tables and he gets his phone out to vlog the trip "I am going to America and kirishima is coming with me" bakugou said into the camera that was facing him I decide it would be a good idea...

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Then go back to eating my McDonald's. After we both finished we decided to walk around and film it. The time we were meant to start boarding came quickly so we headed to get on our flight so we don't miss it. We decided to stop filming until we were taking off bakugou sat next to the window so he can film the trip out the window. I put one of my earphones in and offered the other one to Bakugou he took it and put it in his ear after about 1 and a half hours bakugou fell asleep on my shoulder and I fell asleep soon after

Bakugou PoV

I woke up and checked the time on my phone it turns out we were about 15 minutes away from landing. I tried to move my arm because it was going dead but I couldn't and I noticed that kirishima was laying on me and he looked cute so I took a picture and saved it

 I tried to move my arm because it was going dead but I couldn't and I noticed that kirishima was laying on me and he looked cute so I took a picture and saved it

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I decided to film out the window of when we were landing and I woke kirishima up I didn't want to but it was the write thing to do. We then got our things and went off the plane to get on the taxi midnight booked to take us to the hotel. It surprisingly wasn't that long until the hotel it took about 10 minutes to get there but getting all of our things and to find the taxi driver took us longer. We got our room at the hotel and it looked really expensive it was apparently a 5 star hotel we got to our room and opened the door the place was massive

It had 2 bedrooms with a walk in closet and a personal bathroom (imagine it with the image above of the room) it must have cost a lot we unpacked and decided to hang out in my room "so why did you decide to bring me" kirishima asked "well you are ...

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It had 2 bedrooms with a walk in closet and a personal bathroom (imagine it with the image above of the room) it must have cost a lot we unpacked and decided to hang out in my room "so why did you decide to bring me" kirishima asked "well you are my best and only friend but it is also because I-I like-no love you kirishima"I say "well you obviously know I love you back"he said and I hug him

It had 2 bedrooms with a walk in closet and a personal bathroom (imagine it with the image above of the room) it must have cost a lot we unpacked and decided to hang out in my room "so why did you decide to bring me" kirishima asked "well you are ...

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