Bakugou is a makeup artist and has a YouTube channel
He meats kirishima and his friends when he was going to get some new makeup
And that is all I am going to say because I would go into spoilers if I carry on
"Kirishima would you be my boyfriend" bakugou asked "only if I get to call you katsuki" I say "fine" he says "you do know even if you said no i would still be your boyfriend" i say "yeah but if you are my boyfriend i think you should be able to call me by my first name dont you think"he said "yeah amd if you want you can call me eijiro" i say "how about Ei" he says "A?" I say confused "Ei short for Eijiro" he said "sure kats" i say "im tired im going to bed"he said as he went to the bathroom to take his makeup off and to put his pijamas on amdi do the same. He then drags me onto his bed with him and he snuggles into my chest and went to sleep
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I soon go to sleep after. I wake up before Bakugou does and try to get out of bed but I couldn't move and every time I tried to move he just strengthened his grip around my chest making it hard to breathe so I gave up an played with his hair until he woke up we then got ready for the day I was wearing this except with black ripped jean shorts
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and i left my hair down katsuki was wearing this top with black ripped skinny jeans and we wore matching shoes
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midnight came to pick us up shortly after we did our makeup. Bakugou got his bag with our things in
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Once midnight saw us she said "you couldn't look gayer if you tried" katsuki only responded with "are you fucking sure about that I can look so much more gay than this" "prove it tomorrow" she said "Ei looks like I am doing your makeup tomorrow and getting your outfit sorted for tomorrow" he said "ok kat"I said and smiled and we got into her car and went to the convention. We got there and got out of the car as soon as we entered the building kat got his camera out of his bag and started vlogging the entire day I thought it would be a good idea to have our first kiss on camera so when the camera was facing him I faced him and hugged him then kissed him
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(Credit to the artist this is not my drawing)Sort of like this after the kiss we walked around for a few mor hours while we filmed the whole thing and then we went back to our hotel room when we got there bakugou logged onto his computer and edited the video then published it as per usual I was the first one to watch the video then other people start watching it and the comments went crazy about the kiss and some of them said it is finally real and otp or both so obviously they were shipping us before we got together and Mina texted me
Mina: TITS ON CHRIST (if anyone gets the reference I will allow you to be in this story) YOU GAYS ACTUALLY ARE TOGETHER
Me:yes Mina we are
Me:calm the fuck down
Mina:are you going to give Kiri his phone back
Me:I have it back
Me:he just lost it again
Mina:you gays should do a live stream
Me:I'll think about it
I finally got my phone back and bakugou started kissing me and it turned into a make out session (you can guess what they do next ;) )