Bakugou is a makeup artist and has a YouTube channel
He meats kirishima and his friends when he was going to get some new makeup
And that is all I am going to say because I would go into spoilers if I carry on
Kirishima PoV We asked people to send us truths/dares/never have I evers on katsuki's instagram story while he was doing makeup and there was a lot of questions that got asked so we sat down on our stools in front of the camera ready to start filming.
When kat presses play he started the video of normally by saying "hey mother fuckers today as you can see I am not in my usual environment and that is because of reasons I am not saying them all but we are playing a truth or dare with never have I ever as well with Ei's friends" kat pointed to his left and said "that is kaminari at the end and next to him is sero" then he pointed to his right and said "that is mina and of course Kirishima is next to me" (the order from right to left is Mina, Kirishima, Bakugou, sero, kaminari) "who is going first" kaminari said "Mina because she suggested it" I said "fine I'll go first pussies" Mina said "truth what is one thing that people expect you to do but you can't/don't" I say "I can't do the splits but I am close" Mina says "kiri your turn" she says "imitate a youtuber until someone guesses who it is" bakugou said "hey mother fuckers today we are creating a look on how to scare children" i said "bakugo" mina said "correct" i said "bakugou you are next" i say as he passes me his phone with the questions on "do 4 cartwheels in a row" i dared him "thats childs play" he said as he stood up and did 4 cartwheels easily "sero your turn" he said as I handed him his phone "what is the furthest you have gone with a boyfriend/girlfriend" kat asked "denki and I have fucked" he replied "your turn denki" sero said "what is one thing you wish your parents never find out about" kat asked "that hanta and I have fucked multiple times underaged" kami replied (I'm going to carry on as if they are texting which they aren't it is just faster and easier)
Kami: your go Mina
Kat: pole dance for one minute
Mina: with what pole
Kiri: there is a pole over there that I hang coats on
Mina: Kiri can I borrow some shorts
Mina puts the shorts on off camera then takes the coats off the pole and brings it into the middle of the room and starts pole dancing. After the minute ended she took off the shorts and sits back down with the rest of the group
Mina: Kiri your turn
Bakugou: post an extremely unflattering image of yourself on social media
Kirishima then took a picture of himself
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And posted it on his Instagram
Kirishima: katsuki your turn
Bakugou handed his phone to Kirishima
Kirishima: what secret about yourself did you tell someone in confidence and they told a lot of people
Bakugou: I told one of my old friends that I was gay and the next day at school I got called a "fag" and everyone hated me sero your turn
Kirishima handed Bakugou his phone back
Bakugou: tell us something you don't want us to know
Sero: I was anorexic and have been recovering for almost 1 hand a half years denki your turn
Bakugou: transfer an ice cube from your mouth to the person on your rights mouth
Kirishima got up and went to the kitchen to get an ice cube then walked back up stairs and gave the ice cube to kaminari in a cup. Kaminari then put the ice cube in his mouth and made out with sero for 30 seconds and sero then smiled with the ice cube between his teeth.
Kaminari: well that was easy
Mina: you literally made out with him
Kaminari: it was actually a really delicate process because I couldn't crush the cube and do you know how hard it is to make out with someone with an ice cube in your mouth
Mina: no I don't personally and I dont really want to so I'm not gonna
Kaminari: Mina its your go
Bakugou: belly dance like your life depends on it
Mina then got up and started belly dancing and was surprisingly good at it after 1 minute she stopped
Mina: Kiri your turn
Bakugou: what is one thing you haven't told anyone
Kirishima: I drink
Bakugou: that's not that bad but like how much do you drink
Kirishima: if I carry on like the way I do I would probably become an alcoholic or something (a/n: I got the idea from PrestoProductions)
Bakugou: oh shit
Kirishima: yeah and my vape oil is vodka flavoured (a/n: idk if you can buy that but he makes his oils so it works)
Bakugou: give me your vape
Kirishima handed Bakugou his vape and used it
Bakugou: he ain't lying it is vodka flavoured
Kirishima: did you expect me to be lying
Bakugou: no I just didn't know you can get oils that flavoured
Kirishima: I make them to stop my dads finding out and plus the fact that I am underage for buy the oils I have to make them
Bakugou: makes sense what other flavours do you have
Kirishima: bubblegum, red wine, beer, candy floss, twister as in the ice cream, vanilla, coffee, green tea and many more cool flavours
Bakugou: that is cool
Kirishima: thanks it's your turn now
Bakugou handed Kirishima his phone
Kirishima: say the first quote that comes to mind
Bakugou: even if you hate me, please don't hate assassination
Kaminari: you just quoted assassination classroom kuro sensei said that
Kirishima gave the phone back to bakugou
Bakugou: have you ever liked your mother's face
Sero: what? No
Bakugou: dress in drag and sing/shout I'm a barbie girl while strutting down the street