Hello, I Love You-By: The Doors

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With a frustrated groan, I burst through the door of my apartment causing my roommate, Cassie, to leap from the couch.

"Jesus Christ, Ella! You just scared the Cookie Dough right out of me." Cassie's hand flies to her chest. "What happened to your date? Where's Jake?"

I set my beloved black leather Michael Kors bag on the counter. With a weighty sigh, I saunter over to the couch, where I see my best friend has drowned her single-status in a tub of Ben & Jerry's for most of the day, binge-watching re-runs of "Pretty Little Liars" on Netflix. "Who needs a man when I can just ogle Ezra Fitz?" she had declared previously this evening.

Cassie and I met two years ago, at the start of our freshmen year here at UCLA. We roomed together that first semester and instantly became BFFs. Best-Fucking-Friends. We have been inseparable since the day we met. She is the yin to my yang. She's a tall leggy blonde, I'm a small curvy brunette, and even though we are complete opposites in the looks department, our personalities are extremely similar. She understands I don't come with a filter because neither does she.

I pat the space next to me, silently urging her to sit back down beside me. She takes a seat, curling her legs underneath her, preparing for my explanation.

"Oh, I'll tell you where he was: in between some blonde's legs. He literally had his face planted right between her thighs," I declare.

"No," Cassie gasps. She does nothing to shield the expression of disgust on her perfect, heart-shaped face.

"Oh, yes, and do you know what he had the audacity to say? Sorry, babe, I wasn't expecting you till eight," I taunt, giving my best Jake impression.

Cassie's eyebrows are near reaching her hairline at this stage. "You've got to be joking! What a douche-nugget!"

I stretch back against the couch and look up at the ceiling fan. Why can't I ever choose a nice guy?

I side-glance over at Cassie. She's got a look of devilment shining in her bright blue eyes. She hops up from the couch and claps her hands. "Ella May Andrews, as your best friend, I will not allow you to sit here in that hot little dress and wallow in self-pity. We, my dear, are going out."

I take in what she is wearing; she's got her Minnie Mouse pyjama pants on with her UCLA hoodie. Her long blonde hair, heaped into a messy bun on top of her head.

"Are you going out like that?" I question, struggling to keep back the snicker that's forcing its way up my throat. Cassie is gorgeous in everything, but those PJ's, have had better days.

"Certainly not. Give me twenty minutes, and I'll be good as new." She winks at me before skipping towards her bedroom.

As I sit waiting for Cassie, I think back over the past few months I've spent with Jake. How did I not see this coming? Were we not as serious as I thought? He told me he loved me, but clearly, that was just another lie in our so-called relationship. God, I'm so mad at myself right now. How did I not suspect he was messing around with other girls? All the signs were there. The late night study groups, the random late night texts from his sister. Does he even have a sister? Who knows? I definitely won't believe a single word that leaves his mouth, especially after what I witnessed this evening. I am done with men for a while. That's it. I'm staying a single pringle.

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