Crashed-By: Daughtry

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I'm speechless

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I'm speechless. For the first time in my whole twenty-one-years of existence I, Ella Andrews, am speechless! I open my mouth to reply and nothing comes out. Not a single sound.

I nod my head like one of those bobble head dogs. You know the ones you see in the rear window of some grandad's car.

After about what feels like an hour, my voice box decides she's not on vacation. "Yeah, sure, knock yourself out." Really, Ella? Knock yourself out? Could I be anymore mentally challenged? Hello, hole, where are you? Now would be a fantastic time to swallow me up, thanks! Is he smirking? Oh my god, kill me now!

He lifts the small key and ever so gently slides it into the lock. I close my eyes tight. I'm still not sure if I want the lock to open or not.

He places his free hand under my chin, tilting my face up towards his. "Don't close those beautiful eyes." Immediately, my eyes fly open and lock on his, his intense stare keeping me frozen in place.

He finally turns the key, the lock popping wide open. The lock falls from the string around my neck, landing straight on the hardwood floor with a bang. "Well, would you look at that? Your key is a perfect fit for my lock." Shut up, Ella! Just stop talking.

He leans in closer, his mouth only inches from mine. He's going to kiss me.

Right before our lips meet, some guy in a 'Guns 'N' Roses' T-shirt pulls him backwards. Seriously, dude? How rude.

"Man, put it a-fucking-way, it's showtime," the rude guy states.

Mr Orgasm looks back at the asshole that ruined my perfect movie moment. "I'm coming now, Ciaran. Give me a second."

Yeah, Ciaran. If you could just politely fuck off, that would be great.

He looks back at me with those amazing eyes. "Sorry, Ella. I have to go do some work, but will you wait till I finish up here? Please."

Shit! What do I say? I don't want him to think I'm some hussy that picks up one-night stands at a bar. Okay, time to pull up my big girl panties and play hard to get.

I place my hand on his rock-hard chest. "Maybe I will, or maybe I won't. You'll have to wait and see," I sass as I turn and walk away.

I stop in my tracks when his voice calls out from behind me.


I look back at him over my shoulder. "Excuse me?"

"My name," he explains. "It's Cian." With a smile, he turns and heads off into the crowd.

"What in the name of all that is holy was that? I could feel the sparks from all the way over here. That is one HOT man," Cas screeches from her side of the table when I finally take my seat.

Jesus woman, calm your tits.

I go to answer her question, but the sound of a familiar voice echoes through the speakers positioned around the bar. My eyes travel towards the stage and there he is, standing front and centre. Cian.

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