Show Me Heaven-By: Maria McKee

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We sat in that little diner for hours before making our way back to the hotel

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We sat in that little diner for hours before making our way back to the hotel. I can't remember the last time I just sat and had an actual conversation with a girl. Maybe when I was like sixteen. We talked about everything. Ella is a dance major at UCLA. She is currently in her junior year. She talked all about how she dreams of dancing on Broadway someday.

Ella told me about her Nan, how she had raised her after Ella's mam died in a car crash when she was just two years old. I spoke all about my family and my little sister, Rosie. It was just so easy. I could have sat there until morning, just talking. I've met no one like her before. Not only is she beautiful. She is smart, driven, and has an amazing sense of humour. I could easily fall for her if I let myself

We walk through the gardens leading to the hotel, and I pick Ella a red rose from a nearby bush. "Happy Valentine's Day," I say, playfully getting down on one knee before her.

"Thank you," she giggles sweetly before sniffing the flower she is now holding.

We fall into an easy silence as we walk through the lobby of my hotel. I can tell she is nervous. She has been twisting her hair the entire walk back, and she's already explained that she didn't normally do this kind of thing. The whole one-night stands. I will not lie, I've had my fair share of women over the years, it's all part of the parcel really and honestly, I haven't found the right girl to settle down with yet. I know that when I do find her, all the sleeping around will come to a stop. I'm not a complete pig, my mam taught me to be a gentleman.

We make our way up to my room, and all the nervousness she was holding immediately disappears.

I kiss her lips softly. Then I pull her gaze up to meet mine.

"There's no pressure, El. If all you want to do is sleep, that's fine by me."

She replies by pulling me into another kiss. This one is a little deeper and rougher than the last.

I lift her up, and her legs instantly wrap around my waist. I push her up against the back of the door, giving me the freedom to roam my hand over her luscious body. I quickly lose myself in her, each kiss pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

Right here. Right now. I know I could kiss Ella forever. I've never really been one for kissing. It's too personal, too intimate, but with Ella, it feels different, necessary.

For the first time in my life, I want to slow down, cherish her, savour her, feel every moment, and let it consume me. Every taste of her leaves me wanting more. Each stroke, every brush of our tongues I commit into my memory so I never have to forget these feelings she invokes in me.

Ella is like a drug. One I can already feel myself getting addicted to. I know I'm heading down a dangerous road. I can't get attached. I will only be in L.A. for three more days, then I'm off on a tour for six months. I can't help myself though. If being with Ella is playing with fire, consider me burned.

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