Bed Of Roses- By: Bon Jovi

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Will this show ever end? The need to get off this stage is a first for me

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Will this show ever end? The need to get off this stage is a first for me. I love to perform. The stage is my number one favourite place to be on earth, but for some reason, tonight I just want to be done. To get back to her. Ella.

The feelings stirring inside me are confusing. I just met this girl. Yet, there is something about her. She's captivating. I have never chased a girl in my life, but for her I know I'd run to the end of the earth and back again. She's different, special.

I shake that thought away and announce to the crowd, "Okay, Lovebirds, it's the last song of the night, so grab your someone special and head on over to the dance-floor."

Cillian begins the song with a killer guitar riff. I search the crowd for Ella. I find her just as my cue to start singing hits. I open my mouth and sing straight to her.

Sitting here wasted and wounded,

at this old piano.

Trying hard to capture the moment, this morning I don't know,

Cause a bottle of vodka is still lodged in my head, some blonde gave me nightmares.

I think that she's still in my bed, as I dream about movies,

they won't make of me,

when I'm dead.

The crowd sings along when we reach the chorus of the Bon Jovi classic, but Ella—she is the only one I see. She stands beside her table with her friend. They both dance and laugh. The way she moves is hypnotic. I watch her as she raises her hands above her head, swaying her hips to the sound of my voice.

The song finally ends, and I can't get off the stage fast enough. I say goodbye to the lads, and Cillian assures me he'll pack up all my shit.

I make my way over to where Ella stands with blondie. "Hey, you stayed," I say. Hopefully, she can't hear the excitement in my voice.

"Well, how could I not? After all, you sang that song for me," she smiles, shyly.

Her friend fake coughs from behind her, grabbing our attention.

Ella rolls her eyes and introduces me to her friend, Cassie. We take a seat at the table they have been sitting at most of the night; well before they danced that is.

"So Cian, what's a bunch of Irish boys doing here, playing a gig in a small college bar in Los Angeles?" Cassie starts the interrogation. She tips her beer bottle towards her lips, awaiting my reply.

I let out a small laugh at her boldness; I have to give it to her; she wastes no time trying to suss me out. "Well Cassie, if you must know, we are in L.A., to support Sinners on their World Tour. My dad is friends with the owner of this place, so when he heard we were in town earlier than originally planned, he asked could we help him out. We owed him after landing us the Sinners gig so we said yes." My eyes wander towards Ella, "And ain't I glad we did," immediately her cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink as she blushes at those last words.

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