Dry - Watch

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Lanna arrived at Ashioto's rooms and glanced around the airy interior. The Emperor knelt at his desk with the blinds again open. Lanna delivered the dose to him in a small glass vial and he took it without question then lay on his bed.

'Do you not know how to make kafei?' he asked as he sunk into his linen sheets. 'That would counter the symptoms.'

Lanna knelt next to his bed. He did seem paler than usual and shivered despite the warm afternoon. She smoothed an end of a sheet over him, trying to ignore her unease.

'I'm afraid I don't. The beans are kept in Misra Chowa's laboratory and I'm not permitted in there. I've only seen her prepare it for you a few times.' Lanna tilted her head and repressed the urge to pat the sleepy young man on the head. 'Is it as rare as they say?'

'Every bean is worth its weight in silver,' he confirmed with a delicate yawn. 'It only grows in the mountains along our Southern border. Chowa's father rediscovered it. It was a popular drink before the wars and widely available. Chowa proposed its cultivation. In the future, the common folk may be able to drink it again.'

Lanna gave him a pointed look and he laughed. 'Yes, I know there are much more worthwhile things I could spend my time resurrecting, but I happen to like kafei.' His eyes drooped closed.

Lanna soon found herself bored beyond her tolerance. She paced, admired the art and flicked open a few scrolls, only to find them to be written in unknown characters. At last, she took off her shoes and sat with her feet in the water garden.

'Thinking about taking a swim?' a voice behind her sighed. She glanced over her shoulder to see the ruler of the last human empire striding towards her, silks creased and rumpled, hair dishevelled and unruly. He blinked in the light of the descending sun as if it hurt his eyes.

Lanna stood and noted their difference in height. She so often bowed in his presence she hadn't realised his eye level came to her shoulder. Keeping her face straight, she stepped back, so the difference would be less noticeable.

'I fear if I swam in my work garments Misra Chowa would scold my ears clean off.'

The Emperor sniffed and seemed displeased, shadowed eyes narrowing.

'Next time you come, bring your study materials so you can be productive while I sleep,' he ordered, tone sharp and irritable. Again, Lanna had to hide a grin. 'Instruct Chowa-hem I want you to be able to prepare the kafei for me by next week.'

Lanna nodded. Chowa wouldn't be pleased. The secrets of the black beans were hers and no one else's. Lanna made her final abasement before departing.

As she left he remained staring out over his water garden and straightening his ruffled hair with his fingers. The door opened and the Ninth Concubine nearly knocked Lanna aside.

The woman cursed under her breath and glared up at Lanna, eyes full of spite. Then she barged past with a sneer, her attendants trailing.

'Ashioto!' Ceseed cried, shattering the illusion that her normal whispered tones were her actual speaking voice. 'Do you hurt? Was it bad? Did the Aug bitch treat you respectfully?'

Lanna chuckled and watched as sword maiden Usia closed the door. Just before the wooden panels snapped shut, the Emperor glanced Lanna's way and grinned. It was such a glee-filled, boyish gesture that Lanna felt her heart squeeze.


The season approached its height, the heat and humidity intensifying. The weather wouldn't cool until month eight and Lanna thought she might poach in her own sweat before then.

Day length in the north hardly changed. The mid-year solstice would only be an hour and a half longer than the days of the freeze. Regardless, it was a national celebration, even within the palace. While the slaves would still attend their duties, they were given wine and extra food to keep them happy.

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