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Killian's eyes were as green as I remember, outlined by long dark eyelashes, that many girls would kill for. 

His skin was slightly more tanned with a five o'clock shadow along his sharp jawline. His hair was more neatly cut, with it no longer being long enough to cover the top of his ears. 

The breath had caught in my lungs as a million different scenarios  rang through my head. Do I smile at him? Ignore him? nod my head? which could lead to numerous results most that i foresaw leading to me getting stupidly drunk and releasing the secret of our one night stand in front of our family. 

So i simply stood and waited for him to make the first move. My face was impassive and relaxed, well I hope it looked like that, but I continued to stare at him, waiting. 

But, he simply just glanced away turning to smile at the groom who was stood behind our little gathering. Killian walked straight to Noah and did the boy handshake/hug thing, his face was bright and happy, a stark contrast to the emotionless expression he had gifted to me. 

I took a deep breath and looked on the bright side, his response can only mean one of two things. Either he doesn't remember who I am or he does and he plans to ignore me all night to save us both from the awkwardness. 

Both of which go with me plan perfectly. 

Umm, no sweetheart they don't. My brain responded. 

I was quickly saved from my truthful admittance by my best friend grabbing my arm and dragging me quickly away from my family. 

"Did you just see who walked in?" She whispered when we were far enough away. 

"Yes.....Killian" Her eyes were as big as saucers. She really loved this dramatic shit. Like literally all she does is watch soap operas all the time. She recently has gotten addicted to some French one with subtitles. 

"You need to do something." She exclaimed clamping down on my arms further. 

"Ow, Riles, nails" I winced. 

"Sorry" and she released me from her edward scissor hand clutch 

"I can't do anything. I'll make an idiot of myself that can only lead to either me falling on to that cake" I stated pointing to the layered chocolate cake centred in the middle of the banquet table "Or slipping on that bit of mango chunky that Uncle John just dropped on the floor and ignored." 

"You have this all planned out." She smirked

"I went through all the possible outcomes. Accounting for the fact I am the most unluckiest person around." 

"You really are" She pitied. 

"I know" I cried. I literally fall over all the time, and you know how people don't always follow the rules, but for like the simplest things. Sneaking drink into events, or not buying their books on time for school, or getting your mother to write you a note when your younger to get you out of school. Those sort of things, and nobody ever gets in trouble for those, or caught. Well I always did, didn't matter how I did it, or if the person next to me was doing it. I would get caught, so i just don't really break those rules cause I know my luck will result in me in the. 

"Can everyone please take there seats?" Noah's voice rang out through the room. "We just want have speeches...." He rolled his eyes slightly, receiving a hit from his future wife "Before dinner."


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