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Dancin' by Aaron Smith
I pull on my converses and walk out side, my skateboard in one hand , sunglasses in the other.

I put on my sunglasses and glide down the side walk to James' house.

I run my hand through my hair, and pick up my skateboard, I knock on James' door.

He pulls the door open and smiles at me, "ready?" I ask, he nods and hugs me.

"Thanks for coming with me." I nod as I circle around him smoothly gliding against the gray pavement.

"Why did you want to go to the mall anyways?" I stop and start walking next to him, he glances at me then continues to walk in the road with me.

"I don't know, I didn't wanna stay inside all day." He shrugs and stops at the corner of the sidewalk.

"Are we taking the bus?" James nods, the bus pulls up after 15 minutes.

We get on and pay, I walk all the way to the back, a couple of people are back there but they're all siting next to each other, I guess they're friends.

James follows behind me and sits next to me, he crosses his legs and leans over to scroll on his phone, I take my sunglasses off and sit back.

I notice the girls looking at me so I look at them back, one of them blushes and they all start whispering things to each other, I let out a breathy, quiet laugh.

A small, brown haired, hazel eyed girl waves at me.

She tucks a piece of hair behind her hair and a small, barley visible blush covers her slightly tanned cheeks.

I smile a closed lip smile and wave back.

James notices and brings his head up, he goes close to my ear, "what're ya doin?" He says in a playful tone, I shake my head with a smile and whisper back, "making friend, drama queen." He gasps and responds back, "drama queen, sorry hun, I'm not your brother." James flips his imaginary hair and smirks.

I laugh and push his shoulder softly, "your so stupid." I shake my head and look back at the small girl.

We lock eyes and she blushes, but it's very visible and a bright red.

Her friends push her on to come and talk to me, so, she gets up and walks over, she sits in the seat next to me and smiles, "h-hi."

I chuckle and wave, "hi." James pokes my side, I flinch and move his hand.

"M-my friends told me t-to uh, a-ask you for your number.." I put my hand out, her face lights up and she quickly pulls out her phone.

Her phone is a iPhone 8 and her phone case is pink and fluffy.

Girly girl...

I feel james' hand glide through my hair, he grabs a handful and pulls back, "yaga!" He brakes out laughing as I give the girl her phone back.

I grab James hair and pull his, he laughs even harder, making me laugh equally as hard.

I push him away from me, moving him to a couple seats away.

He can't stop laughing making me giggle along with him.

The bus comes to a stop so I grab James' hand and we walk off, james swings our hands back and forth, "you're such a fuckin weirdo."

James softly slaps me, "no cussing in front of me." I nod and kiss his hand, "that's a promise.

He smiles and we walk into the mall hand in hand.
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