Night 9¾ Terrors

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Verna stood by the window looking up at the sky as the snow fell.
"What are you looking at?" I question and peer out where she may be looking. "Just the moon." I squinted my eyes. "Just the moon?" She nodded her head and smiled. "The moon or Seamus?" She gets out of her trance when I said his name. "Enough." I laugh at her and she hides her face in embarrassment.

Around the corner three males walk by. Verna was the first to noticed and immediately stopped Malfoy. "Hey Draco." He looked at her with disgust like she had no business talking to him but then he saw me and his gaze softened a bit. "Hey Coraline." He said my name like he had just seen an angle. "Hope your day has gone well." He smiled at me and I just returned the gesture. He continued on with walking away and I couldn't help but feel confused.

Verna laughed at me and I just stared at her. "Well if you aren't in love with Malfoy he sure is in love with you." I slapped her shoulder playfully and started walking towards the RavenClaw common rooms.

I studied in the library when I looked up and saw Hermione rushing down a few isles. I lost track of her as she was going so quickly but before I knew it I heard her scream. I stood up from my desk and my chair tipped to the ground, I ran over to the direction and I saw it. Her body petrified and she was holding a mirror. The professor pushed us out of the way. "Attacks during the day now?" I questioned outloud. "I'm afraid so." Someone answered back.

"It's totally messed that we have to stay in our common rooms all day and have to be escorted to classes by professors. This is worse then last year." Walton complained as he threw a ball of paper up in the air. "I mean lives are at stake this time Walton." Verna explained as she flipped the page in her book. "I know that I'm a ravenclaw and all and the stereotype goes that you obviously live up to is for me to read all the time, but truth be told. I HATE IT!" He threw the crunched up paper at the wall of books and fell down on the couch backwards and laid his head on my lap.

"You'll entertain me right?" He asked all sweet and innocent. "Of course." I started running my fingers through his hair when a load of more RavenClaws have been escorted into the chamber's.

  A pair of two eyes slithering around the grounds of Hogwarts. Those pair of eyes go slithering down into the pipes from a sink in an abandoned bathroom no one uses anymore. Down into an area, who we can all guess is the chamber of secrets. Stood one man before a giant stone replica of a serpent and beside the young man laid a young girl.

I shot up from my bed and wiped the sweat off my face. "Coraline are you alright?" Verna asked as she shot up also. "You were talking in your sleep.. but in parseltongue." She explained more. I didn't say much I just sat up from my spot and made my way to the common room rest rooms. Turning on the tap and filling my hand up with water to have a taste. Taking deep breaths I've finally managed to calm myself down. What was that about? I ask myself. Slowly I make my way back to bed but I couldn't fall back asleep. My thoughts were preoccupied with other things, like what did my dream mean. Was it even a dream?

"Father I need to speak with you." I knock on his office door and open it slightly as I spoke. He motions me in with his hand and tells me to sit. I do so and he awaits for me to speak. "I had a dream last night, and I think it was a dream. I was through the point of view of some sort of snake. It went down into the pipes in a bathroom that's abandoned and there stood a young boy and an even younger girl laid on the ground, I think she was still alive."

He looked at me as I finished. He didn't say a word he just stared. I was beginning to grow uncomfortable I just wanted him to say a word, anything at this point! "That all?" Those weren't the words I was expecting. The long anticipated moments and that's what he comes up with. "Verna said I was talking in my sleep but not normally, I talking in parseltongue?" I said it more like a question. He sighed a deep sigh and hung his head low. "Its too early for you to-." He was interrupted by professor McGonagalls voice annoying for all the students to their house towers immediately and for all teachers to be at the second corridor at once.

My father stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me along the haways with him. We got to where all the teachers were and he stood near by, along with me by his side. Professor McGonagall looked down at me and he spoke up. "I'm more less stressed if I know she's with me." She then nodded her head and continued on.

"As you can see the heir of Slytherin left another message. Our worst fear has been realized. A student has been taken by the monster. Into the chamber itself." I listened with wide eyes and raised brows, I couldn't believe my ears. "I'm afraid we shall have to send the students home. I'm afraid... This is the end of Hogwarts."

Suddenly Lockhart emerged from out of no where and paged his thoughts in as the teachers were about to react. "So sorry dozed off, what have I missed?"

"Just the man. A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." My father said directly at Lockhart and no one else. I furrowed my eyebrows confused. Is he serious?

"M-my moment?" Lockhart asked back. "Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the chamber of secrets is?" Snape asked him.
"Did I?" He stuttered out

"That settles it, we will leave it to you to deal with the monster Gilderoy. Your skills after all, you're a legend." Professor McGonagall says with a smile to him, What a queen.

"Very well. I'll be in my office getting ready." Lockhart stuttered out again and quickly walked away.

"Excuse me professor McGonagall, who is it the monster has taken?" I asked. The teachers looked at me, probably wondering why they didn't ask that question. "Ginny Weasley dear." My heart dropped, that poor girl. I held onto my father's hand tighter, and he squeezed back. I read what was written on the wall. "Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever."

"I was too late wasn't I?" I asked my father as he had just escorted me to my common room. "What do you mean daughter?"

"I mean with letting you know about my dream, well I guess it wasn't a dream." I looked down at my feet and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "There was no way you could have known child. Go on."

I turned and waited for the riddle, before I knew it my father had already started walking away.
"Feed me and I live. Give me water and I die. What am I?" It asked me. I closed my eyes trying to think, my mind wasn't in the right state. "Uhhh fire!" I spat out and the door opened swiftly revealing the common room.

Inside the common room was Verna and Walton pacing back and forth awaiting my arrival. "Oh Merlin's beard!" Verna yelled and rushed over to me when the door shut. She gave me a hug and so did Walton.

"The professors wouldn't tell us a thing, we were worried to death about you." Verna explained. "yeah we though something happened." Walton spelled. They eventually let go of me and saw that I wasn't alright. "What happened Cora?" Walton asked me and he helped me to sit down.

I took a deep breath and explained everything that went down on the second corridor and how they are resting the fate of Hogwarts in Lockhart's hands.

"Are you serious?" Verna questioned annoyed. "I doubt my father or Professor McGonagall will allow that to happen. I'm sure they see right through him." I tried to shed light on it all.

"Let's hope so." Walton mumbled. "That's not even the worst part." I started and they waited for me to continue. "I dreamt last night of a young boy standing infront of a younger girl who laid down on the ground pretty much dead. Today on the second corridor professor McGonagall said Ginny Weasley was the one that was taken by the monster." I whispered that whole sentence. I didn't want anyone else in the tower to hear or they may panic.

"She's a pure blood." Verna said confused. "I don't know guys." I lastly said and looked down into my lap.

Coraline P. Snape (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now