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Seokjin leaned onto the wall, waiting for one man. He was currently surrounded in a tight circle of girls who looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"What type of chocolate do you like most?" A girl asked.

Oh, is it near that time of year? Wasn't it too early for these questions? There was still Christmas and New Years before they get to Valentines day.

"I'll like anything you make for me." Seokjin flashed her a smile. The girl got weak in her knees and was pushed away by the others to the back.

"Do you like strawberries?" Another girl asked, this time preparing to note his answer on her phone.

"I like strawberries but I don't like strawberry flavored food." Seokjin answered truthfully, it had been such a pain when he had received so many sweets he couldn't actually try tasting before giving them away to his friends.

Seokjin pulled out a stick of lip balm from the back pocket of his jeans as girls all shouted over each other to ask him something. Seokjin was in the middle of applying the product on his lips to which all the girls silenced and gulped while staring intensely. Fan sites were probably zooming onto his plump lips right now.

"What brand are you using?"

"Oh! It's Fresh Sugar lip treatment! I highly recommend it, it's really moisturizing and makes your lips smooth." Seokjin smiled as he excitedly waved the lip balm around. Seokjin was about to offer the product to one of the girls who was staring at it and he had been midway to closing the cap on the balm when he felt arms wrap around his waist.

All the girls around him gasped. Camera flashes already blinding his eyes.

Seokjin looked back his shoulder to see a sleepy Chanyeol about to drool on him if Seokjin hadn't rubbed his cheeks.

"Me too." Chanyeol muttered as he pointed at the lip balm still in Seokjin's hands.

Seokjin smiled softly as he applied lip balm onto Chanyeol who pouted.

Unknown to the two, the fans of the ship were dying around them. Face glowering red as they focused on taking a good video for their site and themselves.

"Let's go?" Chanyeol said as Seokjin popped the cap on.

"Mm." Seokjin hummed as he was led by Chanyeol's hand still on his waist.

"You're cute y'know?" Seokjin turned to smile at Chanyeol who smiled sheepishly back.

"Only for you."

Seokjin grinned at that. He leaned up to kiss the taller male,

"My fuck bro."

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